I am looking to find a good host for my web site. I understand Google has one, but I cannot find how to apply for it. Any ideas? Appreciate input.
Hi Renate -- depending on your needs and the amount of bandwidth you require I have heard raves about host monster and the great thing about that company is: they actually have live customer support! it's cheap (starting at $5.95 p/month) and is chock full of features -- their web site is: http://www.hostmonster.com/
good luck in your search!
Thanks Judy,
I will check them out. I need it for my web page that is ready on Dreamweaver and i have registered 2 Domain names. The site has only my book, so that it does not need a lot of space. However, later, I will need a lot of space for my paintings and poems, where i already have prepared about 50 pages and 600 internal links.
I would though love to have a hosting with google, as I have gmail or with Amazon, where my book is. Do you Know anyone who knows anything about that? Love to have a contact
If your site is only an authors site then host monster should suffice -- As far as hosting with google, I have never gone that route but I am sure John Kremer is familiar with that or you may want to ask Jim Donovan who is a member here. Bravo to you for all your work!
From what I've read, its only really a "page creator" and not a true hosting service: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=pages&cont...
And besides that its only in Beta and it doesn't seem like you can have your own domain name (other than a customized google one).
Since you already have your site built in dreamweaver, you are probably better off hosting it at a real webhost. As long as you don't have a database behind it, it would be really easy to switch hosts later if google ever releases more of a true hosting service.
Thanks for that Fallen Sky. It looks like I should forget about Google hosting at the moment. Do you know anything about Amazon web hosting? I need to make a decision and it is not easy when there is so much around. Before I follow Judy's advice I want to make sure about Amazon. I did download a list of the best of this and the best of that and this is even more confusing.
I don't think Amazon has true hosting, they have author "Plogs" but that's not the same as a real webhost. I could be missing something, but I googled amazon hosting and didn't find anything other than announcements about amazon connect.
Yes Fallen Sky,
I did the same and found only an announcement to say they have started or are starting one. Something like that. Well, I think I'll go with host monster that Judy's suggested. It seems to be a good one. Will let both of you know once I have done that.
Thanks to both of you for your sincere help.
I have started to look for someone reliable for email promotion of my book. Any ideas?
By the way, what are your books about? or what are you doing? you wrote - your Amazon rep? Love to know
Thanks again
Hi H Court young.
Thank you for that. I have copied the information. At the moment I paid for hosting on Host monster as per Judy's suggestion, and see how I go. If it does not work out, I'll look into yours.
Thanks again
Renate, I have been using 1and1 for 4 years now and never had any problems with them. They are a European company and advertise heavily in the US. They charge a few bucks a month for basic service. The best part is the number of web tools they include for the price.
Thanks Lorne. I have copied this information for future references. I have registered with HostMonster and hope to upload files this week. Am finishing putting the keywords together and then - I hope its green lights.
Thank you for becoming my friend