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Becoming successful at something can elude most of us. However, failure is always so easy to get caught up in. Failure is always there. Success is not. Why is it so hard to be a success and really easy at becoming a failure? No brainer, I guess. Failure has no options. Success?

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An interesting question, George.

I believe at a deep level (and I don't necessarily mean a conscious level), many people are afraid of success. If we are successful, will people like us? Will they be jealous, all the while smiling on the surface? Will they try to sabotage us? What if 'success' as we have defined it isn't all it's cracked up to be? Then what are we left with?

Also, what if we tried our very best and gave it everything we had, and STILL didn't achieve success? Isn't is easier to hold back a little -- that way we can tell ourselves, "I didn't succeed because I know I didn't give it my all." An easy out, so to speak.

Oh how I do agree, that there are lots of people who are afraid of any kind of success and those same people will try to derail your pending or ongoing successes. I've seen it and I have been part of that rail of derailments. People on every level of the economic latter will try and maybe sometime succeed in that derailment. When it happens to me, I always try to get back on track. It should make all us more stronger and committed to our goals.
Being successful depends upon our definition of success. Success can elude us if our measure of what it is prevents us from reaching it. Sometimes we place goals on ourself that may never be reached but being successful can be achieved by having defined steps in the process. The steps should be ones that have as their target a goal that is not easy but achievable through hard work. Achieving steps in the process of meeting our individual definition of success helps to become successful through accomplishing each individual step. There may be times where we have setbacks in reaching a target but we can turn that around and learn from why it happened. Sometimes I feel we are too hard on ourselves and give up when success may be just around the corner. We need to have confidence in what we do and make every effort in reaching individual goals which are targeted to an end result. Once we reach this we need to set new targets. In this respect we may feel we never will be successful since we constantly change our target. However, we forget where we started and where we are now.

You mention failure is easy. This is a true statement but if we apply ourselves we will never be a failure because in the process we usually learn something from it. Failure in many respects only happens when we do not try. We may feel we are a failure sometimes but others look at our situation and determine we are a success. It depends upon others opinion of us and what we have accomplished, not what we have not.

You talk of becoming successful eluding us but the question becomes and the answer is different for everyone as to what is success. Success can be measured in a set of minor goals which have a end target. Attaining a goal is a measure of success. Our goals should not be ones that are easy to achieve but are reachable with hard work.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything Dennis said. Being successful depends on our definition of success. Realistic, achievable goals are important, even vital, to achieving success. Learning from 'failure' means even our failures can be turned into successes. Couldnt agree more.

However (and this is a big however), many (though not all) people are driven by feelings and emotions they are unaware of or in denial about, even when those feelings jump up, bite them in the butt, and sabotage their success. As an assistant counselor to families of addicts, I see many people who are not in the driver's seat in their bus of life. Rather, they are terrified passengers, while deep emotional traumas steer their buses. On the surface, these people look successful; underneath, they are paddling like crazy just to stay afloat (I know, I know, this is a terrible mixed metaphor).

Having said all that, I still agree with Dennis. Perhaps if we all were courageous enough to examine ourselves and deal with the monsters that might be steering our bus off course, success would be reachable with hard work and realistic, achievable goals.

And only our soul will know when we achieve true 'success'.
Hi ,
why is easy to be a failure ?
Failure does not require hard work
and it is easy to achieve it . I am telling to sell
my script . whenever I post for info I find many people dismiss it
people go out of there way to write to me that I will not recieve sucess.
This attitude should change . people should encourage positive attitude
sincerely . supposing your work is bad means one should tell the other person
where it is bad or where you go wrong . That is positive criticism


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