The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

This is a forum to allow people to showcase the things they've done that have worked well for them in marketing their books. Please share your stories here. Then we can all read them and learn from them. If we work together, we will all be much stronger and more successful in marketing our books.

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Today I received a wonderful testimonial as a reference from one of the authors that we are currently promoting and marketing. I wanted to share it to encourage other authors that targeted on-line marketing can bring success and especially when using a network of sites.

Kaylin chose to market with us choosing our 100 site marketing package back prior to her new book release. In fact the cover design was hot off the press at that time. Kaylin then just a few weeks ago chose to again market her new book trailer on 100 of our sites further expanding her author promotions and book marketing.

Within this the marketing and author promotions have appeared on not only the 100 separate sites within our network, but have also further been picked up and posted in various other communities and networks through additional networking and powerful feeds further expanding Kaylin's marketing through the content posts.

May the following bless and encourage you with regards to targeted on-line marketing and the marketing power of using a network of sites.

Kaylin writes:

I recently had the opportunity to work with Smitty in regard to marketing my new release, Flaherty's Crossing. All I can say is every dollar has been well-spent. He is incredibly detailed, professional, and caring. My name, book, and trailer have appeared on hundreds of sites and the exposure has been unbelievable. As a direct result of his tremendous efforts, Flaherty's Crossing has become one of the hottest and most ordered items at Champagne Books.

I truly can't recommend anyone more highly.

Kaylin McFarren, Author
Flaherty's Crossing, Now Available

I encourage all authors to find new ways and deeper waters when it comes to promoting and marketing their books on-line. That while many authors may choose the self promoting and marketing method, it is also wise to set a side a marketing budget and seek out book marketing that will best promote and market not only your book, but also you as a author. Don't get lost among the millions of faceless names in the in print book data bases and don't focus all your efforts only where other authors hang out. Find your market and hit the target.

If you get some time, visit two of our new sites:

Christian Book Marketing
The Information Page

Many blessings,
Once you’ve had your book published, identifying a viable market plan for your book is crucial to reaching the audience that can best appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that you’ve poured into your life’s work.
While that may seem a bit overwhelming at first, once a solid plan is in place, you can start putting it into action. A successful marketing plan can answer a number of questions, such as: How am I qualified to write this book?
If you are writing a book about gardening, but know nothing about plants, then chances are, you could be seen as someone who isn’t really qualified to write that particular book. On the other hand, if you were kidnapped in the Conga, and have written a book based on your experiences, then the first hand experience of being there makes you qualified to be able to write this book about your experience and how you survived.
Another question you may ask, is who will be reading your book? What type of people do you believe will be reading your book? This is generally known as your target audience. These are the type of people that you want to reach first when marketing, because being able to reach them means improved chances of book sales.
When thinking about your target audience, you need to be able to answer the question as to why should your target audience want to read this book? What makes your book stand out against all the others in its genre? What do you bring to this genre that no one else has before? Again, to reach your audience means to be able to bring them something that they haven’t seen somewhere else 1000 times before. It could be a similar genre, but what sets yours apart from those other 1000 other books?
Answer these questions and you’re well under way to a great marketing plan, and ultimately increased book sales.

Best Regards,


Bookpal Publishing
Very well said Terence.

Christian Book Marketing
Thanks to all the people who have posted great stories here. I really think we can help each other by sharing our success stories.
I share book marketing success stories all the time on my blog at Check it out if you need inspiration or ideas.
Whenever people hear a rebroadcast of my interview on NPR radio they buy a copy of my first book: organized labor, partly because of the enthusiasm of host on her morning show for my book, while print reviews and feature article's do not have the same effect. Yet, every book sold helps me approach the break even point even if years away. Can I upload an audio copy to my site ? How ?
It's funny because this is exactly what I did with my business card and I'd never seen it anywhere! It was essentially my book cover, the name of the book and my name/contact in front and some more info on the back... Glad to know someone else thinks the idea rocks!
I'd love to see more people share their success stories here. If you have any victories in marketing your books, no matter how small, share them here. You might inspire some other authors to sell more books and then share their stories as well.
Selling your books via Kindle, BN, etc. is a great idea - an effective way to build your audience and reach people that might not find your author's site.

I have many author success stories featured at

I would love to add your story there as well.

Or simply have you share it here. Tell us what's working for you.

Enjoyed your website.

John, It's great to be back with you. I know we both were  speakers for Dvorah in her new book marketing adventure. My latest book is titled,  "Linkedin Marketing-8 Best Tactics to Build your Book and Business Sales."  One success story is called How I Built Book sales and my Business with LInkedin at


ONe big benefit at Linkedin is that you can share in the groups and interact with your book's audience! And build huge traffic with your blog and Linkedin.


My advice to getting more success is to keep showing up, and bite the bullet to learn skills sets you don't know yet.

Everything I coach on and write books about is skill building--to write a book, to pre-market books--to self-publish book cheaply--to market and sell books--to writing a book sales letter for your book's website.  I know you teach similar skills, and you were certainly an important mentor 11 years ago to me and thanks for that! If you want to review a copy of this, John, just email me at


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