Let's share our Twitter addresses in case we want to follow each other. Please briefly describe yourself or what the Twitter account mainly posts about so we don't just have random names.
My name is Deborah McCarragher, and I have written a Christian women's book titled "MISSION POSSIBLE". It is a book that tells my story of being married to a man who doesn't share my passion for Jesus. It offers hope and encouragement to a situation many call hopeless.
Visit my website at www.Godmissionpossible.com
I Tweet about Christian subjects that relate to my book, my ministry, my Blog and other Christian websites. I also Tweet inspirational messages and Scripture references. You can follow me at: http://twitter.com/debitsdeb
i'm the author of the book Heaven at Seven and my twitter name is JoyEden. i really do not know anything about twitter. i joined a while back but do not have alot of time to log on.
thank you for your help