Jim's Pterodactyl: And The Tipham Vampire by Andrew R Williams

Jim’s Pterodactyl by Andrew R. Williams was an interesting, entertaining and funny read. The story revolves around Ollie the Pterodactyl or "Ropen: as they're called there.

I have read quite a few books by Andrew and picked this one up immediately once I saw it. Jim is delivered an egg by mistake and told to discard it but doesn't have the heart to do so. What happens after that forms the crux of the story.

While Jim is skeptical and scared, he's helpless and can't help but bonds with and loves Ollie. Moira while seems detached, loves Ollie to bits. When Ollie goes missing, our hearts break along with Moira's and Jim's while they wait and hope for Ollie's return and most importantly, safety.

So, who's Ollie? Is she really a Pterodactyl? Is she safe? What happens? Follow the story of the shrewd cheese loving Ollie as she bonds with Jim's family and the drama that follows in this lovely tale. Are they able to keep Ollie safe or do they lose her in these modern era of micro houses?