Dan Bessie

91, Male



Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Writer, screenwriter, screenplay and creative writing coach and editor, animator, cartoonist and film director. My most recent book, REELING THROUGH HOLLYWOOD, is both an entertaining read and a cautionary tale, suggesting that though riches and fame are worthy goals, real success in life comes from learning to appreciate the creative process itself.

My wife Jeanne Johnson's new book, STARLINGS IN THE PARK is a moving collection of short stories, drawn from her career as a teacher, relationship counselor, and Quaker prison chaplain.

Comment Wall:

  • Dan Bessie

    My wife Jeanne Johnson (a fine writer!) and I moved to France in 2006. We welcome correspondence from anyone, at any time, on any subject. We also have a small publishing company, Blue Lupin Press.
  • Dennis AuBuchon

    Thanks for the comments. Check out my web site for information on marketing opportunities. I am always learning new things associated with marketing. I may be generating a newsletter in the future to convey new things as I learn them. I will let you know when I generate a newsletter. There is so much information on the Internet that it is difficult to keep up with all of it. Again, thanks
  • Nikki Leigh

    Hello good to meet you. I'm looking for a couple more publishers to answer a few questions. I'll quote them in the promotional book that I'm writing and in return, I list your company names, website etc for you. If you're interested, this is the link to more info -


    Nikki Leigh
  • Dan Bessie

    Back to you, Nikki. Tomorrow, I'll write a few brief pieces to address some of your topics, based on own experience - which will primarily be related to setting up personal appearances at bookstores, libraries, house parties, etc - and the other things that doing this has led to.

    Best again, Dan
  • Patrice-Anne Rutledge

    Hi Dan and Jeanne -- thanks for your comments on my page. Good luck with your books and your move to France. I've spent a lot of time on vacation and business in France, but have never been to Brantome.

    You asked about "computer genies" who do publicity for a percent of profits. Actually, I think it would be difficult to find an experienced publicist to work under those arrangements (the occasional PR work I do is on retainer). There are some who work on a pay-per-placement basis such as www.anniejenningspr.com. If your budget is tight, the best option is to do your own online marketing or perhaps hire a student to handle specific tasks for you.
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    Hi Dan! Thank you for your kind comment.:}
  • Patrice-Anne Rutledge

    Hi Dan and Jeanne --

    Sorry to hear that you didn't have good luck with the publicist you hired. I've never hired an external publicist before -- I work with the publicist assigned by my publisher ( if there is one) and then do a LOT of my own promotion as well. Sometimes it takes really knowing a book and its target audience to connect with buyers.

    Bonne chance!

  • Dan Bessie

    Live and learn, as the old cliche goes. Better yet, learn BEFORE you go out trying to peddle your wares, right?

    DB and JJ
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Dan Bessie

    40 Proverbs from the Book of David

    Best, Dan Bessie