Rev. Dr. Kandi Smith

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Grace and Peace: Thank you for inviting me to this group. I believe it to be God-inspired for He has impregnated me with books that I have not yet written. The truth is I haven't known or researched any of the how-to's and I think the fear of what I don't know... the unknown immobilized me. I praise God for this nudge and for You being in place. Pray with me, won't you. I'll need to lean hard upon you. Multiplied Blessings - Pastor

Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Dr. Smith, I will be glad to help in any way that I can. God wants us all to partner with each other for His kingdom's sake. Please let me know how I can help.

    M0ay I also say that I am sorry for your loss and am here if you feel led to share your grief and pain.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy lives with God, others and self
  • Rev. Dr. Kandi Smith

    Grace and Multiplied Peace: Thank you, Bless You! Right now I don't know how you can help, 'cause I'm not sure what I need. As we go further along, I'm sure I'll know more. Thank you for such an expeditious, willing response. I am grateful. And thank you for caring, Pastor. Yes, it absolutely is loss. There is such tremendous pain in separation, but may I tell you I am a living, breathing witness to I Thessalonians 4... we sorrow, 'tis true, but not as others who have no hope! While I'll confess I really wish God would have done things another way, "my way" is not perfect and I KNOW my son is in the presence of God, Almighty and would not come back - even if he could. It comforts me in a way I can not describe. Sorrowful? He's my 1st born child! Ofcourse! But, I have hope! It's not just a hope. I KNOW I WILL SEE HIM AGAIN! Hallelujuah! - Blessings, Pastor
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Welcome to the group, and may you find all the comfort and inspiration you need!
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Dear sister, I have a suggestion for you. I'm going to send you an invitation to a very special group called Christian Emotional Recovery, which can be a safe place for you to begin to organize your thoughts and feelings about what God wants you to share and how He wants you to share it. Some of us in the group will be able to personally relate to your story, since some are moms who have lost their kids through death and other circumstances. Some, like me, know what it is to face the daily challenge of living with chronic illness and disability, and still others are waiting (and receiving support while doing so) for God to turn their lives around, and some are there because they feel led to give comfort and support.

    Have an encouraging day and be an encourager to those He places in your path.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Alonzo Brown

    Hello Rev. Smith,

    It's always a sheer pleasure to speak with you. I am honored to have you on our team.
