padma narayanswamy

65, Female



Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am padma Narayanswamy an Indian writer and i am passionate in all genres of writing .
About my book it is a poetry manuscript titled straight from my heart . The poems are interesting and simple . it is graphically illustrated.

Comment Wall:

  • padma narayanswamy

    my book is priced very low about $one or Rs 10 postage extra
  • Cindy Jost

    It is very nice to meet you padma...I am always glad to hear about others that think positively....especially when they can pass it along to others "pay it forward" is a great concept....I wish more could do it....
  • Cindy Jost

    Hi you have a website I could link on mine?
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Padma,

    Thanks for accepting my friend request. I notice your book is a poetry book. I also write poetry.

    I look forward to chatting with you more.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Padma,

    I will look for the information you requested. Also, be sure to add me on your friend list. I'm not sure I'm yet added.

    I'm currently writing poems for my next book (I know the concept, but don't have a title or anything). I'm also going to be writing some articles. I currently have articles in the Press Kit section of my website.

    I'll be sure to get back to you regarding your question.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Padma,

    Here are two links you can view; I've added the first one to Author-Promotion website:

    or - be sure to click on agents.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    No problem, Padma!

    Stay in touch.

  • Marilyn Gross

    I have two sons and five grandchildren and just published my first book. I hope you do great with your's.
  • tpier

    Hi Padma,
    It is a pleasure to be your friend. I look forward to a wonderful networking journey with you.

  • Donna Rogers

    I am so happy that time has healed the pain a little for you and your sis. Take care of each other.
  • Cheril Vendetti

    Hey Padma,

    Thanx so much. Would love you to sign my guestbook
    You're book sounds fabulous.

  • Cindy Jost

    Thank you padma...I greatly appreciate it....the ending of the book will make the world we live in much more interesting.
  • Toby Heathcotte

    Hi Padma,
    Paranormal fiction includes psi experiences and events. My fiction includes reincarnated souls, people who prophesy and are clairvoyant.
    Thanks for your interest.
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi padma,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. This week’s featured author is Nikki Leigh. Nikki shared some excellent tips on how an author can market themselves.

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage

    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • padma narayanswamy

    Hi Kathleen
    Thanks for inviting me. I will definitely visit yur blog and see the tips for marketing my book. Not only book I have to market a script . It is nice to be among friends in this websites . For I had personally a very bad experience in a Voice 123 website.
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Hi Padma,

    I'm a poet too. It's nice to meet you. Good luck in al of your writings.

  • Barbara

    Hi Padma,

    Thank you for joining the forum and expressing your views. Keep us informed on what's going on with you and your work.
  • Rainbow

    Greetings and Multifalarious Salutations Pama

    Many thanks for kind comments on my video
  • Dennis N. Griffin

    Have you identified the exact reason or reasons for not being able to write your thriller? You might want to join a local writers group where you're likely to meet other authors who have had the same problem(s). They can tell you how to overcome whatever obstacles you're facing.

    Good luck!

  • Rainbow

    Greetings and Multifalarious Salutations Padma

    just wondering could you be related to Princess Padme of Star Wars fame?:-) Thanks for meanding through my world and I'm glad you enjoyed it, feel free to wander anytime.

    Poets and Bards Unite! Oh we are on bookmarket.ning! There's a thought we could start the PBU for Don't take The Peace!!!
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi padma,

    How is everything with you?

  • Rainbow

    Hi Padma

    I didn't think you were related to Princess Padma but you never know. have you tried to submit your book?
  • Richard Neal Huffman

    Oaky, I've sent you a friend request.

  • Richard Neal Huffman

    I guess I'm missing something. What is it you need to know, exactly. I seemed to have missed some text so that's why I'm asking. Sorry about that.

  • padma narayanswamy

    As I am writing a script about a girl
    who is wrongly confined in prison as her
    friend is a terrorist I wanted to know the conditions of the prison
    in US and her judicial rights pl write . and contact me at . Thank yu so much for the info
  • Michael "Bart" Mathews

    Hi Padma,

    If the consumer, big business & world countries had little or no debt, that would leave a positive cash flow to enjoy the many wonderful things that this world has to offer. There will always be the haves & the have nots because of debt. We all must take control!!!
