Helen Wisocki

Newburyport, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Just released--"Sins of the Abused" - Young Marco, blissfully living with his grandparents, is whisked away to a new school when his parents re-enter his life. Befriended by Father McCool, Marco is groomed with methodical precision, exclusive indulgences, and thrilling sports outings. Slowly, he is introduced to alcohol and porn, molested, and programmed for life with sexual perversions.
Years later, Marco self-medicates in a subconscious attempt to suppress the lurid memories of dark secrets hidden behind
closed rectory doors and to control an insatiable appetite for morally depraved behavior. He struggles to prove to himself there is a virtuous self hiding deep inside. When he finds a
patient and understanding therapist, the reconstruction of his twisted life begins. But by now the rippling effect of abuse has spread throughout his dysfunctional family.
Marco crawls, wobbles and falls, gets back up, and continues on his painful yet heroic journey to separate himself from the shameful creature he'd become ... all the while juggling single parenthood and his career along with his internal battles.

Comment Wall:

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Tell us more about you, Helen.

    Good luck and welcome aboard.
  • Helen Wisocki

    Thank you, Lynn. I'm going to get working on it! Thanks, too, for the invite.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    HI Helen. Welcome to the network. I look forward to knowing you better and sharing with and supporting you as opportunities arise. Please visit our site to find out about us, our ministry and our emotinal recovery workbook for Christians.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives thorugh developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for your kind words. Helen. May I suggest sending those to the site who need a safe place to recieve support, important informaton on emotional recovery from a Christian perspective, and gentle challenge? George and I are here to help, support and be instruments of positive change, and we look forward to partnering with you in this way.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for your question, Helen. While we have experience in counseling those who have been abused and betrayed by those in positions of trust and authority (including those abused sexually), we have not yet counseled one who has ben hurt so terribly in that specific situation. I will be here to help you in any way that I can if you know someone who needs support after such a traumatic event.

    Spiritual abuse is also rampant. Does that fall in you experience?

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Wow! I'm sorry your friend was hurt in this way. George and I attended an abusive fellowship for years, so we have lived with what we write, speak and counsel about. Sometimes the abuse comes through the spiritual leader and sometimes through the felloship itself. Either way, the pain is indescribable. I pray that your book encourages many on their emotional healing paths from spiritual abuse.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotinally healthy relationships with God , others and self
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    You are so right! Forewarned is forearmed!

  • Rainbow

    And it looks good, actually I've tried to put another picture up but it won't let me, I've mailed John kramer about it
  • Rainbow

    Congratulations on being Nadia's featured author!
    Thank you
    You are on a roll.
    Seems to be!
    First it was Book of the Week on the Publish America site, and now featured author. What's next? Very exciting!
    Who knows maybe larry King Show as if!!!!
  • Helen Wisocki

    Anything is possible! You could be the next guest on Larry King if you want. I'm sure of it!
  • shirley dicks

    Hi Helen, good to get to know you. Holidays are getting near and I'm so busy with the last book I'm working on called, There IS life After Fifty which is a fun type book unlike some of the ones I've done in the past.

    Just have to get the cover done but when my computer crashed, so did the program I used to do it with, so may have to find somene to help me put it together...anyway, great to be on your friend list....shirley
  • shirley dicks

    yes it's a fun book to write and almost have it finished. Most of the others are on crime and punishment, Vietnam, Victims and a few others, but this one like my women and motorcycles are fun ones to write ....will probably do the one for men like this one for women although I'm not sure I can find enough men over fifty to do it....finding the ladies was easy enough but I'm not sure I'll have such good luck with the men out there......but never know....
  • Shelagh Watkins