
52, Female


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
The Tapestry Chronicles: Born with Power of the Divine
Fantasy Novel

Aliyah Geode seeks to find a way to change the current spiritual momentum of man, what she discovers shocks her and completely alters her entire way of being. Now face to face with a challenge that will block all possible earthly evolution in the sacred relationship with God, if left unchecked; Aliyah must release the divine power within and overcome inner and outer trails by allowing the inner light of Zahimenus- her initial incarnated being- to shine

The Tapestry Chronicles: Born with Power of the Divine
List Price: $19.95

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May you stay safe and protected

Comment Wall:

  • George Basileiou-Michael

    Hello Andielle,
    Thanks for the invite. Keep in touch.

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hi! I replied to your private email and want you to know I look forward to getting to know you better. Have you received the invitation to the group? If so, please open the message and click to join. See you there!

    Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • SusieSunshine

    Yes, I would love to chat with you, Andielle. Right now I am disconnecting from the internet. I will be on later. Email me and we can discuss how to get together.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Sorry you're having such a problem. You're the second person, and it really is a shame technology has its good and bad days just like us humans!

    Two suggestions: go to the group and request an invitation. Meanwhile, I'll send you yet another invitation generated personally. With persistence, we'll get you there! Look forward to having you with us.

    Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Mario S. Fedele

    I very much appreciate the wonderful comments you made regarding the review I posted for my memoir, "God's Gift."
    It certainly was a pleasing one.

    I read your entries here on the page and was fascinated by the course your life has taken.
    I wish you well in your endeavors.
    As for any advice that I may offer for your upcoming novel, I would suggest that you implement a marketing strategy, such as contacting your local media, arranging for book signings and readings, and having business cards printed up, for starters.

    I also visited your website and was impressed by the details you provide regarding your book. It might be too much, though, for a visitor to assimilate, and I suggest you cut back on some of the information you have there.
    In addition to that, you may want to include a bio on yourself and a guestbook so people can leave comments.

  • Mario S. Fedele


    I'm glad that you found my suggestions beneficial. When it comes to a website, just keep in mind that sometimes less is more; that is, a short teaser can be much more effective than a lengthy discourse in gaining a reader's attention.

  • Mario S. Fedele

    I went back to check your site and was greatly impressed with the changes you've made.

    The new look is highly appealing, and the material is very well organized.
    You did a marvellous job in following through on my suggestions.
    Including a photo of yourself is an added touch.
    And since you now offer one, I even signed the guestbook.

    Though I did notice a few grammatical errors that you might wish to address.
  • Theresa Chaze

    Thanks Andielle. It is good to meet you.
  • Dwan Abrams

    Hi Andielle,
    Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Nice to meet you. Have a wonderful week.

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    I send you greetings of peace and love from the rest of the family. They, like I, are always with you and never leave or forsake you. The angels and the rest of us want you to know how precious you are to us.

    When I agreed to give up my divinity and be born in the flesh, I did so very willingly. I looked forward to the time when we, you and us, could all be together and share in everything that is. I looked forward to loving you, hugging you, comforting you and encouraging you so that, when your life gets tough, you will feel secure and supported enough to face whatever you have to face. I looked forward to being the one you could rely upon unconditionally for that strength, comfort and encouragement whenever and however you need it.

    Not only that, I looked forward to sharing with you that we created you to love you, and that we so hoped and desired that you would love us back. We want you in our life, and we love it when you want us in yours. It was so exciting when I could turn to my disciples and expand our relationship to include friendship and true fellowship. I offer that friendship and fellowship to you today as well, and I look forward to your inviting me into your life in that way.

    You can see there are many reasons why I came in the flesh so many years ago. There’s more! I also wanted to set you free from thoughts and behaviors that hurt you emotionally and spiritually. If you were hurt by people or experienced hard times in your life and lost things like your health, relationships, or your way of life because of disaster or unemployment, I wanted to give you the tips and tools as well as the encouragement to recover emotionally and spiritually from who or what hurt you so you could have the kind of life I want you to enjoy.

    Most of you understand why I sacrificed my life for you and what an act of love that was. It is my hope that this letter will help you understand how very much more my life and ministry were to accomplish. I look forward to expanding our relationship now and forever.

    Joyfully, Jesus

    Copyright Encouraging Words Ministries 2007, All Rights reserved
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks, friend. I truly enjoyed celebrating Jesus' birth and all that it means for us. It was truly the most meaningful celebration ever for George and me.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    group leader, Christian Emotional Recovery
    co-director, Encouraging Words Ministries
    transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • SusieSunshine

    I received your message. I will be looking for your email. This time of year we all get so busy normally. They add the stress of getting a book marketed and you are totally zoned out. *grin* Christmas almost passed me by. *laugh* However, we had a lovely Christmas Eve and Day. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas Season so far, and I wish you an abundant New Year!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!