Susan Haley

81, Female

Sarasota, Florida

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Philip Harris

    Hi Susan, glad to see you are getting around.
  • Colleen Breuning

    Wonderful! You are a poet, too - so we already have something in common, besides the fact that we both live in FLA. I will take a tripto your website to check out your work. Pleased to meet you, Susan!
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Susan,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. This week’s featured author is Nikki Leigh. Nikki shared some excellent tips on how an author can market themselves.

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage

    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Kathleen Gage

    I completely understand about being busy. Seems to be the way it is for so many of us.

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    I enjoyed your website. Good luck to you!

  • Lynn C. Johnston


    Thanks so much for your comments. Yes, I agree with you completely - networking is two-sided. If we are only in it for ourselves, nobody really benefits. That frustration led me to create It's a site where authors are rewarded for cross promoting other authors - that way it becomes a win-win situation for both. It also links visitors to the authors preferred vendor for direct buys. That could be, or the author's personal site.
    I could go on and on. The main idea to the encourage authors to really help each other. Thanks again and if you have any questions, you can also contact me directly at or
    Take care,
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Susan, thank you so much for your review on Amazon. I couldn't ask for a better one.

    Keep in touch,
  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Yes, T'Ulah is a sweetie...huge now...fully grown and no longer sits on any laps!
  • Todd Rhoad

    I typically invite authors, as many as possible, to gain from their experience. I find the same thing you do. I would guess about 2% actually engage in productive support of each other's efforts. I do connect with authors with the intent that we will share knowledge and help each other obtain more success. I do buy books from other authors (only if the sign them for me).

    Your point is well made though. Why use social networking just to increase your number of connections? I don't. I try to find those who can and will support me. Of course, I offer my support in return. I believe that since we fail to help each other, we are passing up on the opportunity to achieve greater success. As Oprah and Wayne Dyer put it, "success is achieved through service to others."

    Kindest Regards,
  • Todd Rhoad


    Thank you for your response. It appears our approaches are very similar. I'm a first time writer trying to help others. I'm not seeking to make a living off of it. I'm new and hoping to learn as much as I can about the process. I'll check out your site and contact you again. I certainly need the help and am very willing to help others. Strangely enough, this is the primary concept in my book, except it is for those in the corporate world. I look forward to serving you and your group.

    Kindest Regards,
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Susan,

    I'm getting back in the swing of BMN and came by to see what you're up to over here.

    Have a good week,