
Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I started many years ago as a Poetry writer, and for many years, my poetry remained in my text books not even known. Then I was introduced to a place in the USA through a friend of mine to send my poetry to be converted into lyrics. This is when I became a full time writer. I found in writing songs or books the most important part was marketing my product. As I was a newbie to this area of writing and publishing, I had a lot to learn. I have one book published through Publish America but now I am self publishing my own products. I have had a much better result that way.

You can check out Gevania Book club on and also one of our other websites to do with Music

Comment Wall:

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Welcome aboard! I wish you much success here.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Jennarosa,

    Thank you for your compliment. Your work sounds interesting.

    I look forward to networking with you.

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    HI Jennarosa! Thanks for accepting my friend request. I look forward to seeing how the Lord leads us to support and partner with each other.

    If you haven't already, I invite your visit to our site, where you'll find safe support, encouragement, information and gentle challenge. While you're there, be sure to check out our "Sample Chapters" page so you can see what our widely praised emotional recovery workbook for Christians is about. Should you feel the Lord leading you to order a copy for yourself with the plan of offering it to those you minster to, I'll be delighted to work with you in any way I can. We offer substantial discounts for quantity orders.

    Warmly, with all blessings,
    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, opthers and self
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    As the author of The Frugal Book Promoter and newly-released The Frugal Editor--both marketing books of sorts (-:--I'd love to have you join me on Bookmarket.ning.
    Very best,
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Jennarosa

    Thanks for the invite.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    I send you greetings of peace and love from the rest of the family. They, like I, are always with you and never leave or forsake you. The angels and the rest of us want you to know how precious you are to us.

    When I agreed to give up my divinity and be born in the flesh, I did so very willingly. I looked forward to the time when we, you and us, could all be together and share in everything that is. I looked forward to loving you, hugging you, comforting you and encouraging you so that, when your life gets tough, you will feel secure and supported enough to face whatever you have to face. I looked forward to being the one you could rely upon unconditionally for that strength, comfort and encouragement whenever and however you need it.

    Not only that, I looked forward to sharing with you that we created you to love you, and that we so hoped and desired that you would love us back. We want you in our life, and we love it when you want us in yours. It was so exciting when I could turn to my disciples and expand our relationship to include friendship and true fellowship. I offer that friendship and fellowship to you today as well, and I look forward to your inviting me into your life in that way.

    You can see there are many reasons why I came in the flesh so many years ago. There’s more! I also wanted to set you free from thoughts and behaviors that hurt you emotionally and spiritually. If you were hurt by people or experienced hard times in your life and lost things like your health, relationships, or your way of life because of disaster or unemployment, I wanted to give you the tips and tools as well as the encouragement to recover emotionally and spiritually from who or what hurt you so you could have the kind of life I want you to enjoy.

    Most of you understand why I sacrificed my life for you and what an act of love that was. It is my hope that this letter will help you understand how very much more my life and ministry were to accomplish. I look forward to expanding our relationship now and forever.

    Joyfully, Jesus

    Copyright Encouraging Words Ministries 2007, All Rights reserved
  • Chau Van Truong

    A writer always want to be read.. Enjoy..

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  • Donald James Parker

    Thanks Jennarosa!
    Are you affiliated with Lulu bv any chance? A friend of mine was trying to hook me up with somebody with that name or very similar name at Lulu.
  • Donald James Parker

    Awesome. You are familiar with Barbara Murphy - who wrote a book of poetry on Lulu? She designed my book cover for one of my books.
    She's the one who told me I needed to get introduced to you. I'm so bummed that I didn't use Lulu the first time I published. They are great. I wrote a blog post extolling their virtues and explaining a few things that the documentation was a little weak on.
    Take care.