Michelle Rosado


West Palm Beach

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Pursuing Your Destiny is the touching true story of 911 Survivor Michelle Rosado and her heroic escape form the World Trade Center into a life she never dreamed she could have, including how she met her husband and soul mate Randy Rosado.

With alternating points of view, Randy and Michelle tell the stories of their lives, from aggressive and heartbreaking childhood problems to the tragic events of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Then from meeting one another and falling in love to their struggles together to become successful entrepreneurs in business, ranging from operating a pizzeria to selling real estate and mortgages. Through it all, Randy and Michelle learn valuable life lessons they share with their readers, including how to check their own egos, how to treat people with understanding, and the knowledge that there are higher powers in the universe watching over them.

The Rosados have inspired thousands of people with their captivating speeches, and now they hope to reach millions more through these pages. Their story will make readers see their own lives from a new perspective, realizing how to overcome any adversities they face to find themselves and their true destinies.

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle Rosado

    Hmmm...I was a member of this network but I guess I lost my membership due to inactivity? :-(

    I hope to get reacquainted with everyone here as well as make new connections.
  • Ginger Marks

    Welcome Back. Nice cover. ;D
  • John Kremer

    Michelle . . . You are a member now twice. Your other listing still exists if you search the member page for Michelle Rosado. I found two listings for you, the new one here, and the old one. Welcome.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Welcome to BMN, Michelle! Your book seems interesting; I hope you consider advertising your book on our site for authors.
