Sue L Canfield


Roseville, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Over 25 years of experience working with small businesses. I am now an author's assistant, mostly for my husband. My first book, co-authored with my husband. is The Commonsense Virtual Assistant - Becoming an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee. This book helps virtual assistants understand what it takes to run a business.

I've also helped my husband publish his books:
The Commonsense Entrepreneur
49 Proverbs of Business Heresy
The Time is Now 11:59

and his fiction novel, Through the Fog

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Sue,

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,
  • Dennis AuBuchon


    Thanks for the comments

    I have a number of articles on integrity posted on the American Chronicle web site under my name. One of the articles is The Benefits of Integrity in Business. You might find it interesting. I have a number of other articles on my web site which were published in a professional society newsletters to which I belong.
  • Bill Walker

    Thanks for sending me the link. I think this is a good site.
  • Beth Barany

    You sound like an awesome assistant and an awesome potential ally. let's connect!
  • Jan LeComte

    Have a great day Sue! Thanks for adding me as a friend :)