Dr. Uche Akwuba, LCE


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a New York City-trained neurosurgeon and a human relationships expert. I am now also a business executive and editor of a life-improvement blogsite: http://www.wemsapost.com
My Book Title: "HEAL YOUR INNER SELF: How to guarantee DRAMATIC improvements in the results you are obtaining from life". Secrets revealed in this book have been tested by many over the last 16 years. Works exactly as claimed, or 120% money back. If you write self-help books, see the information here and include the proven principles in your own books - you could be sorry otherwise. Also, we highly recommend you look into the book for yourself. You can always return it for a full 120% refund, anyway. You cannot lose.

I am a New York City-trained neurosurgeon. I'm also Chairman, World Morning Star Association (WeMSA for short), an international cultural organization working to make Planet Earth a Perfect Place. The planet's perfection is not as far-fetched as it may sound at first blush. The details make all the difference, and the details are quite astonishing, especially if you know about the Great Work of the Ages, erroneously named the New World Order by some.
The association's website is www.wemsa.net.

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Uche Akwuba, LCE

    Do you know that the Book of Anger Process can DRAMATICALLY improve your life in as little as 4 hours? It's extraordinary. If your life is not going as well as it could, please find out about the Book of Anger, the Book of Anger Process, and the universal Reward Accounting System. All based on inflexible natural law. Then experience the amazing improvement.
  • Max Elliot Anderson

    Thank you, Dr. It was nice to hear from you.
  • Terry Whalin

    Thank you for the comment, Dr. Uche. Great to meet you here.

    The Writing Life
  • Mimi Lenox

    Sounds intriguing.
  • Lawrence Abiola Olaifa

    Thank you Dr. for your wonderful advise. I am commited to spread the message and propagate a great success strategy through my book. Take care Dr and hope to hear from you soon.
  • Tena Fanning

    Do you think that your congregation could use The Playdate Kids to help young children and their parents get through tough trasitions? I would be happy to send you a sample and all books are available at a discounted rate for Book Marketing Members. tmfanning@theplaydatekids.com
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hello Dr. Akwuba,
    Just stopped by to say thanks for your kind words about this wonderful Great Commandment ministry God has blessed us with. We appreciate it!

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through devleoping balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self Delete Comment