Jamie Carie

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Jamie Carie is an inspirational fiction novelist who believes in the power of “story” to touch hearts and change lives. Her debut novel, Snow Angel (September 2007), is a can’t-put-down story of redemption, hope and healing, set in the land of the Artic Circle - Alaska during the Alaskan goldrush. Her second novel, The Duchess and the Dragon (May 2008) is a passionate tale of love between a reckless duke and a serene Quaker woman. Her third book, yet to be titled, is set during the American Revolution, but in Vincennes with George Rogers Clark - a story of overcoming captivity.
Jamie lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with her husband and three sons … and a giant of a dog named Leo.

Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Welcome to the network, Jamie. Hello to Leo from two medium sized canines named Steve and Jim who think they are large.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Jamie Carie

    Thanks Sharon! This looks like a fun place! Blessings on your ministry!!!!
  • Michelle


    Your site is FANTASTIC! Very professional. I signed up for your newsletter. Your book Snow Angel, has a beautiful cover and sounds very interesting. You are very talented, I can see that.

    Great to be networking with you,
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Nice to meet you. Thanks for the invite. Carole Whang Schutter, author and screenwriter of September Dawn
  • Margie Scott

    Thank you for the invite. I can't wait to read your books!!! They sound wonderful!
  • Rosemary Morris


    Your novels sound intriguing.

    Great to make friends with you,

    All the best,
    Rosemary Morris
    Tangled Hearts available from www.enspirenpress.com
  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi Jamie! "The power of the 'story' to change hearts and change lives". Wow! I like this line.
    Interesting to note that you've heard the calling and are writing such fantastic stories that move the reader to new reads or deeds.
    Wish you lots and lots of readers.
  • Pam Uher

    Thank you for the invite....I am intrigued by your story
    settings. We always need stories about hope to lift our spirit when the world overwhelms so much daily.
    I want to read your book. I am presently having my book reviewed by various church bookstores..yours appears to belong there also.

  • Anne Mitchell

    Welcome Jamie and I look forward to reading Snow Angel!
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Jamie,

    It's nice to meet you too! Thanks for accepting my friend request; I look forward to us networking together.

  • April Lorier

    Wow, Jamie, you heard my laugh? (Just joshing). What's weird is that I'm known for my laugh and my ADOPTED daughter has the same laugh! So much for the nature-verses-nurture argument! Thanks for the welcome!
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Thanks for the invite. Aloha from Aspen
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Congratulations! Yes, most of the time a screenwriter is hired to do the book. If you are at all interested, I am trying to figure out how to offer a free ebook of the screenplay to anyone who buys the book. The DVD will be out Jan. 2. I will be off line and out of the country until Dec. 12 but you can email me questions until tonight.
  • Michelle

    Hey Jamie,

    Nice to meet you too! Yes, The Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul, is a great gift for anyone who loves the show! I hope they enjoy it..........

    Happy Holidays,
  • Kenneth McGhee

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Walk by faith, fulfill your God given purpose and reach your destiny.

    Kenneth McGhee – Author

    Teamwork – Moving Beyond Teambuilding Exercises
  • Brianna Martini

    Happy Valentine's Day Jamie.
  • Diana Holquist

    Thanks for the kind words about my RWA article. Send me a link for your trailer when you put it together. I'd love to see it!

  • Chau Van Truong

    Keep writing.. You got a complex mind needed to explore.

    Get your copy of THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather deliver to your home/bookstore by calling 1-800-431-1579.. Visit http://www.NAISAMAFIA.COM to read the scripts... Watch clip - NAISA, SECRETS KEPT'S PITCH, RELENTLESS PURSUIT, THE EXCHANGE @ google video. Join me at http://www.myspace.com/naisamafia , http://chauvantruong.blogspot.com/ , http://bookmarket.ning.com/profile/ChauVanTruong ..
    Fans can also read at http://www.novelmaker.com/ …. SECRETS KEPT script .. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=295&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , A KILLING STAR script.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=297&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=292&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc ..

    Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or http://thesop.org/article.php?id=7224 . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974793507/qid=1100292074/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4638388-1864109?v=glance&s=books on http://www.amazon.com , on the recommended list at http://www.bookwire.com , http://www.tuluc.com , and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Jamie;

    So nice to meet you. I enjoy networking with fellow writers; sharing the wealth of knowledge. Great to see your book...looks fabulous.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Professional Support Network for Writers
    Prolific Writer of Romantic Fiction