Joanna Penn


Brisbane, Queensland


Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am an author, blogger and speaker. My main site is - Writing, Publishing, Internet Sales and Book Promotion...for your book! I am British but live in sunny Queensland, Australia.

Comment Wall:

  • James W. Roberts Sr.

    Hello is the very first thing we say when we meet a new friend, so "Hello" and I say the same to my old friends a wonderful word " Hello" isn't it, sorry I tend to ramble, I want to welcome you and wish you well with all your endeavors.
    Regards James
  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in on the discussions, share a video, write a blog post, make some friends. Enjoy. Thanks for coming.

    John Kremer --
  • Linda Ballou

    Just thought it would be fun to connect with someone inthe land down under. Hope to get there one fine day.
  • Teresa

    Thank you for adding me to your friends list. GOD Bless
  • James W. Roberts Sr.

    Hello Jonna, thank you for being my friend, I want to extend an invitation to you and your friends to come and visit and join my sight James W. Roberts Sr.
  • Stuart Ross McCallum

    Hi Joanna,

    I am also British and living in the not so sunny Melbourne. Happily married and father of two teenagers and busy marketing my first book titled: Beyond my Control. I would like to be friends here at Book Marketing Network. My book has been in Amazon's top 100 for about five minutes! Hope I'm Added, all the best, Stuart
  • Beth Barany

    I like your energy. Hello from halfway around the world in California.

    All my best,