Marilyn A. Hudson


Norman, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
A professional librarian, historian, and storyteller, Marilyn A. Hudson is the Director of Library Services for a private University. Prior to this, she served as public services librarian for a metropolitan library system and as a library media specialist for public schools. Listed in the 1997 Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, she was the 2002 recipient of the OLA Outstanding New Librarian Award, and member of the Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, Golden Key, and Phi Kappa Phi. Her general research interests are in history, especially social, religious, and church history; women’s studies; mythology, folklore and storytelling. Hudson was lead writer and editor of the book, One Night Club and A Mule Barn: The First 60 Years of Southwestern Christian University and authored, Those Pesky Verses of Paul: Examining Women in the New Testament, Elephant Hips are Expensive, and others. She received a B.A. in History and an M.L.I.S. from the University of Oklahoma.

Her books:
"The Bones of Summer: A Collection of Chilling Tales"
"When Death Rode the Rails: Strange deaths along Oklahoma rails, 1900 to 2000."
"Those Pesky Verses of Paul"
"Tales of Hell's Half Acre: True tales of early Oklahoma City"
"The Mound: A Novel"
"Noel Brooks: A Life Shining and Burning, 1914-2006"
Forthcoming works:

Madame Delaine and the Daring Girl Detective
Madame Delaine and the Invasion of the Areostats
Foul Harvest, a novel

I also do book promotion for Oklahoma authors or Oklahoma themed books at OKLAHOMA WRITERS ( and a limited free - but professional - review service at , "REVIEW IT!" (

Comment Wall:

  • Mary McCauley

    Thanks for your offer to put my book info on your blog. My book isn't out yet. I bet we know a lot of the same people. Are you a member of OWFI. I lived in Tulsa all my life until 2 years ago and my husband got a job in McAlester. I was president of Tulsa NightWriters for 2 years about 5 years ago. There are a lot of good writers in Tulsa NightWriters. I belong to the McAlester McSherry Writers now. Smaller group but we have a nice group.

    Best wishes,
    Mary McCauley
  • Marilyn A. Hudson

    Mary: As soon as you get closer to publication, send the details and a .jpg (if possible) and I will add it. You can never get too many mentions! I have not joined OWFI yet...I was a member of the OKC group many moons ago....then went back to school...then ....then.... You kow how it goes...have been to many of the book festivals and met many of the authors and writers from around the state. I also do free professional reviews perfect for backmatter or pr!
  • Graham Odenyo

  • Mary McCauley

    How do you do a book review. The publisher will send books free for reviews. My publisher is PublishAmerica. They've gotten some press in the past, but they have done everything they promised to do. I have a friend Sharon Ervin who has done 4 or 5 books with them and they were all good. Thanks.
    Mary McCauley
  • Marilyn A. Hudson

    Yes, I have met Sharon and several others from PA. I have promoted several of their books on a book promotion page I do.

    One of the hurdles for small presses and self-published authors is getting titles reviewed. Books are sent out -free - to numerous potential reviewers but in many cases it is simply money down the drain. As a professional libraian whose has had to buy thousands of books over the years, I know that libraries and schools look for books with reviews to provide a rationale for purchase. They want, usually, the big name review sources, yet the simple truth is there are far more books published (in just the major houses) per year than EVER see a review. So what chance do small presses or self-publishing authors have? When I do a review of a book, it is in the manner I would if I were considering them to be printed in a librarian focused publication. I apply all the professional criteria to provide, hopefully a jump start to promoting and selling a worthwhile title. Reviews provide backmatter copy, website comments, and other valuable promotional material. Not all books get reviewed, however, and I am up front about that. If a book is not worth putting on a book shelf, I do not provide a review for professional reasons. I do, however, provide tips and suggestions to the author ( a spoon ful of sugar helps the medicine go down, they say....). I have links on my blogpage at
  • Kenneth Shelby Armstrong

    I am very grateful for the review that you gave my last book, THE TREASURES OF LIFE. Now I am presenting a new novel,ROBIN. It is new although I spent 10 years writing it. I will be grateful for your considering it when it arrives at your place in three or four days. Thanks again for this service that you provide to all of us. Kenneth Shelby Armstrong