Mavis Jackson Romer


Miami, FL

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Samantha Gregory

    Hi Mavis! Thanks for the invite. I hope we can help each other out and become fast friends. Ciao
  • Sylvia Hubbard

    Hello Mavis. I'd love to connect to you and we can learn all this self marketing stuff together.
  • shirley dicks

    Hi Marvis, good to talk to you. I'll check out your website. I still haven't gotten the hang of all this site, or how to do it all, but I'm learning, and meeting others who share my love of writing.....good to talk to yu
  • Deborah Reed

    I have found the books produced by Writer's Digest to be invaluable. Their magazine is also helpful.
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Hello Mavis, it's a pleasure to meet you here!