Nancy E. Williams


Mcdonough, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a very busy substantive book editor, rewriter, designer, owner of The Laurus Company (.com) and our imprint, Laurus Books (.com). Our mission is to keep you from getting lost or becoming prey in the unfamiliar world of book publishing. I often describe a first-time author as being like a fish out of water on a beach full of cats!

Our books are in the Ingram Books wholesale catalog and available at most of the major booksellers in the U.S., Canada, U.K., E.U., Australia, and on the new Espresso Book Machine. We don't just publish your manuscript; we help turn it into a viable work of art, much like the work of the big NYC publishing houses, and we get your approval all along the way. Example: Check out "Premium Promotional Tips for Writers," (by Jo-Anne Vandermeulen) available on our website.

Speaking of our website, our own online bookstore pays the highest royalties and uses a state-of-the-art program for record-keeping and generating notification for all orders received. Our eBooks are secured after a one-time customer download.

Our authors retain ownership of their books. It's your baby, and we never forget it. We try to always be available to our authors when they need to talk.

I also love to write and someday may find time to complete my own books.

Comment Wall:

  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Hello Nancy and welcome to Book Marketing Network!
    Would you like some more editing work?
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Nancy, thank you for the response to 'The Sky' and I appreciate your interpretation of the dream.

    It was a pleasure speaking with you earlier today. I thank you for your willingness to squeeze in work with Phenomenal Magazine. Your work will be greatly appreciated!
  • Donald James Parker

    Hi Nancy,
    Thanks for the encouraging note and visiting my website . Who are the mutual friends?
    Hope you get some time to work on your own writing!!
    God bless!
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Hello Nancy, I hope you have a great weekend.
    I found Phillip Adams, and one of our writers in Australia knows of him. Thank you kindly! Gina
  • Donald James Parker

    I really like Andrew too. He used an exerpt from my review of one of his books on the back cover of his next book (the one about False Revivials).
    Take care and God bless!
    PS: Did you download any of my free ebooks?
  • Brian White

    Hi Nancy. I just started getting serious about writing. I'm here for support.
  • Susan Whitfield

    How cool! Thanks, Nancy. I must warn you that my books are murder mystery, not history, but I AM planning to write an historical mystery some time in the future if I live long enough!
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Good morning Nancy, I will need your hosting services. Please tell me how often you will update information on the site. Thank you!
  • Susan Whitfield

    Nancy, I jokingly tell folks I was a high school principal, usually involved in investigating something on campus. The fact is, I gravated to mystery as a reader long before I started writing it. It just seems natural, although some people think I'm weird for writing murder and mystery. I just have to get it out of my system, I suppose.
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Hello Nancy, we will have monthly changes. However, the YOUTH section may be weekly since there will be MATH & SCIENCE problems for them to figure out. We'll chat. I hope to see our site up by the weekend or beginning of next week. Do I pay annually or how does that work? Thank you kindly!
  • Susan Whitfield

    Thanks. My publishing, L&L Dreamspell, is based in Texas although I haven't yet had the opportunity to go down there. Maybe soon.
  • Brian White

    Thanks for the inspiration. We can all use it to our advantage. Sometimes I just need a little kick in the rear to keep my thoughts going.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Nancy;

    Your email intrigued me. You fit to be all you have called yourself...and with 30 years of experience, YOU are a wealth of knowledge; actually priceless.

    I would like to get to know you better.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Professional Support Network for Writers
    Prolific Writer of Romantic Fiction
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Nancy;

    Thank you for your kind wealth of knowledge is for all. I'm glad you sent me a personal email. I wasn't sure how I was to respond to your comment in "Book Market".

    Interesting you should mention that you work but never seem to get paid for your work. I had a vision after I asked myself the very same question: "Shouldn't I be pulling in some income with all this FREE information?"

    Application goes a long way. I began to apply my knowledge.

    I have a vision, one that is coming true. I'm so excited and would love to share with you all the details, but I'm noted as a perfectionist and I'm waiting to make my big announcement once everything is in its proper place.

    My vision is to help authors.

    Stay tuned to my blog, and the announcement will be coming soon.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Professional Support Network for Writers

    Prolific Writer of Romantic Fiction

    PS. I couldn't find your personal email address so had to respond here.
  • Susan Whitfield

    I've flown into San Antonio but never been to Houston/Galveston. I'm sure it looks different since Ike hit. If I ever get down there, I'll have to look you up. Maybe we could have dinner or something.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Nancy, do you also edit murder mysteries? I have a friend who needs some serious help.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Nancy;

    I'm in Cuba right now. Will return to Canada on Thursday. Launch date for my new business is March 2. Will have to wade in the responses from clients to know the demand. Have been future speculating that 'help'/employees may have to be an addition. Please email me back as to your special interest by the end of the week. Chat with you again. Jo-Anne Vandermeulen Promotional Manager for Authors
  • Jo Linsdell

    Hi Nancy. Hope you'll be able to take part in PROMO DAY. It's an online international event I organise for people in the writing industry. this years event will take place on Saturday 9th May.
    Lots of opportunities to promote your writing and services whilst networking and learning more about the industry. Hope to see you there.
