Bonnie L Pelton

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Books out:
Another day to live life
59 poems, with 2 of my drawings featured
author name: Bonnie Lee Pelton
Fun , emotional and uplifting, try it you may like it
Barnes& or phone 301-695-1707

Second book:
Why can't I be like other creatures?
children's book,fun humorous pictures,
about just realizing the best person you can be is yourself !! author name Bonnie Pelton

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  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I guessed it was Ginger, but just couldn't make it out as it was so strectched out.

    Lots of woofs from the pack. Have a good day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi to you too Bonnie,

    Hope you have a good day. It's freezing here again but at least the sun is shining. Hey, I'm now a Mystery/Thriller Consultant to Mythica Publishing. I get the final say on whether submissions in that genre are worth pursuing. Quite a responsibility eh?

    Best regards and woofs from everyone here.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm sorry you are finding the marketing side of things a drag. I thought you were doing rather well, getting out and doing your book signings and all. I do all my marketing from the keyboard as I don't get out much as you know, and I seem to do ok. I can't say 'keep at it' because only you know how you feel about things but I certaibnly wouldn't give up trying. You have too much talent.

    Woofs from the apck.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter


    some publishers do, and some don't. Onlythe really big ones who have mega budgets for marketing and advertising really 'push' their authors. The rest of us have to a lot of it ourselves. I'm afraid its the nature of the modern publishing world. anyway, you hang on in there. i'm going walkies with Tilly, Charlie and Penny now.

    Have a good day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Been walkies and now the in-laws have arrived for dinner so I must disappear again.

    Have a great day Bonnie.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,
    sorry, not been ignoring you. Just been busy with Christmas stuff and trying to do some writing while I had the muse.

    Hope you're ok. Me and the dogs just keep stumbling along as best we can. Know what I meean?

    Hope you have a great Christmas.

    Bes t regards from us all.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Thanks for the message. Hope you're ok. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you, but you know how hectic things get at this time of year. Sorry if you thought I'd disappeared into the ether. Have a great day,

    Woofs from the pack

  • Brian L Porter

    Take care and don't work too hard. How long do you get off for Christmas?
  • Brian L Porter

    Not even Christmas Day?
  • Brian L Porter

    I know just what you mena Bonnie, and I am a bitlike that but try to do my best for the family.

    BEst regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Woofs to you too. Off to bed now. 'nite Bonnie.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

  • Brian L Porter


    Have a good day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Bah, humbug, are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? Charity? Bah, humbug i say....hehehehehehe
  • Brian L Porter

    Much humbug back to you Bonnie...hehe

    Hope you have a good day today and the dogs all send mega woofs! They've all opened their presents, (well, actualy Tilly opened them all).

    Happy Christmas

  • Brian L Porter

    Great picture Bonnie. Thanks, really cute, and yes, so's Tilly when she opens the presents! Hope you've had a good day. Off to bed now, very tired.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks as always for your vote and your support Bonnie.

    All the best for 2009

  • Brian L Porter

    I'll try to have a good year Bonnie, as long as you promise to do the same.

    Brian and the pack
  • Brian L Porter

    Happy New Year to you too Bonnie. Hope it's a great one for you. Thanks for the vote. I know you can only vote once from each computer but I don't know how your Blackberry works. Can you vote from that as well, or does that use the same ISP address as yoyur PC?

    Thanks again

    Brian and the pack.
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for trying Bonnie, and thanks for the lovely Panda.

    Have a great day.

    Love to Scrooge!! hehe

    Brian and the pack.
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Good to hear from you. Still in pain unfortunately but coping the best I can. Doggies are ok, and send you lots of woofs.

    Best regards

  • Bert Martinez

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  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm doing the best I can and will keep going for the sake of everyone around me. Some days the pain is very very bda but I manage to muddle through.

    Lots of woofs from the pack

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks Bonnie,

    You're a star and a friend. We really must look at doing that book together one day. I haven't forgotten you know.

    Best regrads

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Oh, that's alright then. I'm just back from training. Tilly was a star as usual.

    Have a great day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks Bonnie,

    She most certainly is. I even took Snoopy today for the first time. He loved it too!
  • Brian L Porter

    Hehe, he's not so little now. He's as tall as Tilly though still only 7 months old.

    He's very 'leggy' and gangly and everyone falls in love with him.
  • Brian L Porter

    I'll have to take some up to date pics of hinm and let you see him as he is now.

  • Brian L Porter

    I'll try and get some over the next few days.

    Woofs fro the pack, I'm going to go put my feet up with a whisky for a while.

    Best regards Bonnie

  • Brian L Porter

    Things are about as bad as can be I'm afraid Bonnie.
  • Brian L Porter

    My back and shoulder are very painful and my mind feels so disturbed that I can't write a word.

    Sorry to moan.

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks so much Bonnie, I really appreciate you caring. Woofs from the doggies.

  • Brian L Porter

    I will Bonnie,

    Don't worry, I have the doggies here to look after me too.

    Best wishes

  • Brian L Porter

    Will do Bonnie,

    You have a good day my friend.

    Beat wishes

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks Bonnie,

    Hope you had a reasonable day at work.

    Woofs from the pack.

  • Brian L Porter

    keep trying Bonnie,

    I'm sure something will conme up soon.

    Best regards and woofs from the pack

  • Brian L Porter

    Keep up the good work Bonnie, you'll get there I know you will. Your pics are especially wonderful.

  • Brian L Porter

    I wish you luck with the contest Bonnie, (and with the errands) Woofs from the pack

  • Brian L Porter

    Good luck with the Boxers Bonnie. They can be a real handful. Hope you have fun looking after them.

  • Brian L Porter

    I couldn't agree with you more Bonnie. Give me dogs over people any day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Think I'll write a book about Dogs taking over the world!
  • Brian L Porter

    Dogs Rule OK? hehe
  • Brian L Porter

    Woof woof to that Bonnie.
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Great to hear from you. I've just been sort of ticking over recently. Not really feeling like myself at all, and just doing whatever I have to do in terms of basic promo etc. Hope all's well with you. Woofs from Tilly and tha pack (which will be growing by one on Friday).

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Good luck with the book signing Bonnie. Yes, we're getting a ten month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Chloe. Her owners don't want her any more, so we stepped in as always. I just wish things were better at home at the moment. Still got problems I'm afraid. Oh well, that's life I suppose.

    Hope you're ok and not working too hard.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonie,

    I'll post a pic of Chloe first chance I get. Sorry to hear about the job, but you can't stay there if things are that bad. My back and shoulder are really bad just now. It's a good job we've got the dogs as they help me exercise my body more than I would otherwise.

    Must dash now as i'm taking Snoopy to the vet for neutering today, poor baby, but it has to be done!

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    We're now getting Chloe tomorrow instead of Friday. Whooppeee!!! Have to go now tough as the vert just phoned to say I can go pick Snoops up, so I'll off to get him.

    Catch you later

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Have got Snoopy back. He's a bit wobbly on his legs and obviously quite sore from his op but he's had his meal and is now trying to rest but Penny wants to play with him! We're tryng to stoop him from jumping around with her but it's a full time job stopping him from playing! Will keep you posted.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Snoopy is much better this morning, still a little wobblyon his legs but more like his usual self, wanting to play and so on, but we have to stop him and make him rest somehow. No walks for 3 days! He'll be mega frustrated. We'll be getting Chloe in about five hours. Hoep she'll settle in with the pack. Tilly is sitting on mylap as I type!

    Hope you sleep well.

    Talk later

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    HI Bonnie,

    He's much livelier now. You'd never know he'd had the op. We've just picked up Chloe, so will go spend some time with her. Will post a pic soon.

    Best regards
