William E. Johnson


Youngstown, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
"The Seeds of Love...and War: Still Shaggin' for a Shillin'" is based on the fact that John Hancock had a tawdry affair with a waterfront tavern owner in 1769 Boston. It is the sequel to "Snug Harbor Tavern: Shaggin' for a Shillin'". As an author, I have a passion for historical fiction. Eight years in naval aviation, combined with a business of conducting seminars, have taught me that an audience needs a fleshed-out story to learn a lesson. Currently I am working on the third volume in this trilogy titled, "Tea, Tyranny & Revolution: Shaggin' for a Musket"

Comment Wall:

  • Kim Mitchell

    Thank you, William. I do have an editor and have started the process of it all. I'm hopeful to get the developmental back next week and then once I make the necessary changes go to grammer check, etc. with her. If anything changes I will let you know.

    I hope your self-pub is going well and that it's been beneficial. I know it's a lot of work.

    I'm going to send a fellow Ohioan a friend request!

    Thanks again,

    Here's my web blog if interested in taking a look.
  • Laura Vosika

    Hi, William. Thank you for the invitation. I will go find the group.

    Laura, www.bluebellstrilogy.com a historical adventure, time travel trilogy