Mano Bakh


Murrieta, CA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
A former high-ranking officer in the Iranian Navy, Mr. Bakh was raised in the non-violent Persian culture in Iran during the reign of the Shah, who in the 1940’s and 50’s was working to establish Iran as the first democratic country in the Middle East. Excelling in his education, Mr. Bakh was selected in 1968 to attend the US Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, where he completed two Bachelor’s degrees and a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering. He had nearly completed his doctorate work for a PhD when he was recalled to Iran to be responsible for a series of critically needed Navy projects. However, upon his return to Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini, though in exile, began orchestrating strikes, riots and mayhem to undermine the Shah’s efforts to democratize Iran. Mr. Bakh experienced firsthand the hypocrisy and evils perpetrated by the Ayatollah and his radical Islamic religion – not only its inhumanity to women and children, but also the murder and imprisonment of any Iranian who disagreed with Khomeini and his religion. Mr. Bakh also witnessed President Carter’s inept and disastrous mishandling of Khomeini, leading to the Shah’s downfall and entrenchment of a radical Islamic Iran.
Mr. Bakh was born a Muslim, but became disenchanted with the religion whose mission was to follow Mohammad’s words “Conquer, Convert or kill” all who did not believe in the teachings of the Koran. His candid understanding of what happened to a country that was once America’s best friend and then turned into an Axis of Evil, will educate the reader as to why that Evil might not be realized until it is too late.

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