Terry Johnson


Matteson, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
As referenced above, I’m Terry, and I live in Chicago. I am in finance, by profession and I enjoy writing. A few years back I decided to put to paper a story that just stuck in my head. I’m not a casual reader per say, most of my reading falls in the technical arena, but this story stalked me to the point that I had to commit it to paper. The book is “Comlok, Eye of the Keeper” and it chronicles the life of the story’s central character, Divinity Gatson as she struggles to accept her divine destiny. The book starts out by asking the question, “What would you do if you were chosen by the creator to be the only person living who knows the true origin of man?” In addition to discovering that you are one in a line of people through out the history of man to have been chosen by The Almighty to be the keeper of this knowledge. The central setting for the story is Chicago, and it provides for the reader, a snap shot of the cultural diversity and excitement Chicago offers. This is a fast paced story that will capture the reader’s attention from the first chapter, and hold them spell bound until the end!

Comment Wall:

  • Glenda A. Bixler

    Sounds like a cool book Terry...check out possibilities for promoting here!
  • Terry Johnson

    Will do!
  • Angela Hartman

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for your note. I am still in the process of creating a book and will be marketing in 6-8 months. It definitely takes a lot of time to build a proper campaign unless you have the budget to outsource. I think the key is to enjoy the process and take one step every day towards your goals. Good luck with your project.

  • Judith

    Wow! 2000 copies! That's great, Terry. What's your secret?
  • Denise Coulter


    I wish you the best of luck. Please keep in touch. Please send me your website so that I can support your writing.
  • Angela Hartman

    Thanks for the suggestion. Wow that is a great service. I will take note of that. I am actually ghostwriting for a long term client with a partner and he is funding the publishing process so for now best to focus on creation. I have a background in Marketing and PR for books so trying to keep the marketing brain under wraps for now. :) We are telling his nonfiction story.
  • Joey Pinkney

    Hey. I stand to learn a lot from you. Thank you for stopping by my page. I hope to stay in contact with you.
  • DonaldPayne

    Hi Terry, thanks for the contact. As for your marketing efforts, I would call my good friend and personal PR coach Pam Perry she should be able to point you in the right direction. Pam is known as a Social Media Expert and has worked with some of the best in the business. Her contact info is below and be sure to tell her I sent you.


    Get the ebooklet at the PR PRO Shop:
  • Monica Gaynor

    Thanks for stopping by my page...I look forward to visiting your website and learning more about your work.
  • James Diehl

    Hi Terry. Sounds like you're doing quite well with your self-publishing efforts. This is my first attempt at self-publishing as well - my historical nonfiction book, "World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware" is being released next week on Veteran's Day. It's a project I'm quite proud of, but I am just beginning on the marketing and sales process now. I did sell a couple hundred during the pre-sales process, but the official kickoff is still a few days away. Good luck to you my friend! If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm your man. :)
  • martha tucker

    Hi Terry, I'm so proud of you. Why don't you drop by: www.premierewriters.com and see how we can work together to sell tons of books.

    Martha tucker
  • Morgan Doyle

    Hi Terry! I would love to send you a review copy if you send me your mailing address and contact information. Thank you!