Carolyn Howard-Johnson

, Female

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success
ISBN: 978-0-9785158-7-4 Publisher: Red Engine Press

There are gremlins out there determined to keep your work from being published, your book from being promoted. They —resolved to embarrass you before the gatekeepers who can turn the key of success for you —lurk in your subconscious and the depths of your computer programs. Whether you are a new or experienced author, The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success will help you present whistle-clean copy (whether it's a one-page cover letter or your entire manuscript) to those who have the power to say "Yea" or "Nay." It's the second in the HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers.

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  • Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant

    Hey Carolyn,

    Your book, The Frugal Book Promoter, is sitting on my desk (underneath my computer microphone -- I'm trying to make a You Tube movie to promote my book). This is such a helpful book. I've already used it dozens of times! Thanks!

    Leigh Anne
  • Patricia Dischler

    Thanks so much for all your help and advice. I'm really glad to be a part of this group as well, since everyone here has the same interests it makes it easy to find the right person to talk with about a particular problem.

    Yes, use my question in your newsletter and I'll look forward to getting it! Note to others - if you don't get it yet I highly recommend signing up for Carolyn's newsletter. I get at least 3 leads each week that lead to interviews, reviews or a boost in my marketing!
  • Yvonne Perry

    I read about this network in your newsletter and had to find out more. Thanks for sharing!

    Yvonne Perry
  • Lisa Copen

    Carolyn, Have loved your book! Discovered "search suggestion" about 6 months ago and have watched my books go from being #30 or so to #2 on keywords I should come up on. Am working on a series of ebooks on book marketing myself, gathering all the information I've used over the years, especially as a nonprofit director/magazine editor. Blessings and success to you!
  • Max Elliot Anderson

    You're right, this book business is the hardest of all. You know, from your book about promotion, that writing a book is the easy part.

    The world of film and video has had its own set of difficult circumstances, but I think publishing is the hardest.
  • Bill Frank

    We share many common acquaintances, Carolyn. I've seen you at the Book Publicists of Southern CA meetings in the past. Thanks for accepting my invitation to be a friend.
  • Bill Frank

    Very kind to remember me and my talks at BPSC. Modesty has always been a characteristic I exhibit. You're right. You'll have to train me to overcome that deficiency.

    I'm looking forward to spirited discussions on this forum. Glad you're aboard. Kind regards.
  • Michelle Kane

    I will check out your website! I'm a "poor school teacher" so the frugally the better!
  • Lisa Manyon

    Hi Carolyn,
    Thanks for the note about my blog. Signing up for a password is required to leave posts to avoid spam bloggers and even a few of thenm have signed up hoping I would post their unrelated comments. Sorry for the inconvenience, it's merely PR associated. protection.
  • Lucy A Cain

    Thank you for the invite! I look forward to promoting my newest book, Secure the Fort (And Remain Under God), A Military Mother's Message to America! I'm sure I can learn from your experiences. :)
    Lucy Cain
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Thanks for accepting my invitation. I am just finishing reading your "Frugal Book Promoter"--found it very interesting and very helpful. I gave me lots of ideas, many of which I am already using.
    It is a great book--thanks!

    I grew up in the south part of Salt Lake valley, attended Jordan High School. I wrote another book that was first published in 1973, and now in its third edition: "The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy." Most people don't think that is very exciting.
    Val Greenwood
  • Val D. Greenwood

    I have never really been involved in the marketing of "The Researcher's Guide..." My publisher, Genealogical Publishing in Baltimore, prohibited me from selling books in the publishing contract. However, so far, with the three editions, we have sold more than 100,000 copies. It is still the most popular textbook on the subject and is considered by many to be a classic. I will make contact with your friend.

    Good luck with your "Frugal Editor" book.

  • Revvell

    Thank you Carolyn. I will certainly check out what you have to offer. My mother actually got me started waaaaaay back when I was a kid with "smoozies" (green smoothies); that's where I got my start although, I didn't know it at the time. Thank you for adding me to your "friends" list.

  • Revvell

    Hi Carolyn,

    Smoozies are my husband's name for the green smoothies ~ those with greens added. Victoria Boutenko, in her research found that many people were having health problems because they didn't have enough greens in their food programs. One of the easiest ways to add greens is in fruit smoothies. You can listen to my interview with Victoria here: Please enjoy! Revvell
  • Val D. Greenwood

    I agree, Carolyn. I think that they could have utilized author assistance much better than they did (and still do). They did get good publicity in national TV and in Time Magazine during the Alex Haley era. You can imagine what a great help that was.
  • Revvell

    Thank you for passing on the podcast URL to your friends!!! Truly appreciate it! Let me see what I can do for you as well.

  • Kathryne Kennedy

    It's just a coincidence...but that's great to hear. I'll take all the help I can get.:}
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    I figured it was, but it was like, Oh, wow! Bet her fans love that look and don't forget her! It seems I always have my promotion hat on. Well, not always. But it's pretty well attached. (-:

    Carolyn H0ward-Johnson
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Sure, I'll pop over. Hope you have some choices. I'ts kind of hard to name a book without having read it! (-:

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Award-winning author of the HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for authors
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Carolyn,

    I'm not so surprised you were already sign up. Thanks for accepting my friend request and for sending me a note on my page. I'll be sure to keep in touch.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    We'll have to trade ideas on how to best use this. Maybe we should go to John Kremer's page. Maybe he has tips there. (-:

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Hi again to my fellow Utah native.

    I really appreciate the help you gave me through your book, THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER. I got a lot of great insight from it. The frustrating thing to me was that so many of the websites you listed as sources of help are no longer active---but that is not your fault. It's just that stuff like that gets outdated quickly.
    the principles you taught are still good ones.

    I am wondering about your Noble Book Awards. Would my book fit into any of your categories? As you know it is a collection of Old Testament stories (229 of them) written for adult and young adult Latter-day Saints. Tell me what you think. Is this something that would be worth my while?

    I sent an e-mail to your friend Mary Emma Allen. She replies saying that she had received my message and promised to get back to me, but it apparently it dropped through the cracks. That was more than a month ago.

    Hope all is going well for you and that your books are selling like crazy.

    Val Greenwood
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    I know, Val. I am in the process of doing a new edition. But thank you for the comment. It will be a little boot to get me moving faster!

    As for the Noble award, it may be worth a try. It is mostly for fiction but I already have a special place for nonfiction mentions going this year. Also, there is no reading fee (yet!) so it is only the cost of a book. Why not?

    BTW, have you submitted to Irreantum for a review? You probably know this journal associated with the AML but if not, I'll give you more info.

    Yes, my books are still going well. Thank you for caring. I'd love it if you'd help spread the word. The Frugal Editor just started shipping at Amazon. I'm pretty excited. (-:

    My best to you.
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Thanks, Carolyn. I appreciate your information. WRT Irreantum, I am familiar. I am a member of the Association for Mormon Letters (AML) and receive the magazine. I submitted my book to AML for review and received an excellent review by Jeffrey Needle (the best and most comprehensive review my book has had. You can read it on, if you are interested.

    I will send a book for your your book awards; all I need is an address.

    Is there an entry form of some kind that I need to submit? Also, is there anything else that I need to send? What is the deadline?

    I will be in St. George this weekend for the League of Utah Writers annual roundup.

    Best regards,
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    No entry form, Val. Just e-mail me at and I'll give you my address. You include all the vitals and try to get it to me under deadline of Sept. 15. (-:

    Have fun in Utah.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Charlotte McPherson

    I really like what Silverman said about your writing: "Howard-Johnson has the comforting tone of a mentor and writes with the precision of a surgeon." ~ What a great comment. Look forward to being in touch.

    If you have time read my article today on what it is like for foreigners to be living in ME during Ramadan.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    In Maine during Ramadan? Mmmmm. Kind of like living in Utah during Lent. Or Ramadan or Rosh Hashannah maybe? You can tell I write about living as a minority which entails tolerance or the lack of it. (-:

    Thank you for the observation on my blurb. I write my how-to books in a very untexty style. It keeps my UCLA students reading and others as well. Most of us had our fill of dry textbooks by the sixth grade.

    Thanks for keeping in touch.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Kathleen Shaputis

    Another great outlet to let authors know about your books! You know I encourage my Gorham Printing customers to get their copies and mark them up. I should hand out highlight markers with your web site on it.

    Olympia, WA
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Kathleen, how great to hear from you. You may remember I have requested your handy Gorham books to pass out in my UCLA classes. If you would like to send more, I have a heavy fall coming up including a panel at the West Hollywood fair on publishing per se. It is Sept. 3. If not your booklets, then maybe brochures? And, as a publisher, I bet you would love it if your authors would turn in even better edited manuscripts. Maybe you'd like a copy of The Frugal Editor -- newly released! -- so you can decide if you'd like to recommend it in your next run of the booklet or on your website?
    Again, thank you for all your support.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    PS: Remember the Las Vegas Writers Conference? That's where we met. (-:
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Hi, Carolyn.

    I thought you might be interested to know that HOW OFTEN WOULD I HAVE GATHERED YOU was given the "Our History--Our Heritage Publication Award" (Golden Quill) last Saturday by the League of Utah Writers (LUW) at their annual "Roundup" in St. George. The category was, or course religious nonfiction. I am very pleased and honored for this recognition.

    Val :-)
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    That is really fantastic, Val. Well deserved. I know a couple of winning authors, including YOU, a new Ning friend. (-: Are you a subscriber to my Sharing with Writers newsletter? If so, this qualifies for a mention in the "Authors Successes" column. Let me know. (-:
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Val D. Greenwood

    I found a newsletter that I just subscribed to on "Author's Den." It looks like it is the right one because it does have an "Authors. Successes" column. Is that the right place--or should I look elsewhere? :-)

    Thanks for your kind words and your willingness to assist in so many ways.

    Val Greenwood
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    That's fine or I can just sign you. Let me know what address. Happy to do it. Put "Subscribe" in the subject line and e-mail me at BTW, received your Noble book for the entry. (-:
    Thank you!!
  • Joseph P. Ritz

    Sure, I'll join you on bookmarketing, I thought I had.
    As a former journalist you understand how hard it is to ask a stranger to recount how they killed a loved one, or follow an editor's directive to go into the house of a Mafia godfather to cover a story. I write about that in my book.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Not really. Never grew to that part. I was the youngest person ever hired as a staff writer for The Salt Lake Tribune. I wrote a lot of fashion, teen, weddings, etc. But they did let me cover some city stuff because I nagged them and they couldn't resist a cute teenager. YOuth has its advantages. Sighhhh!

    Sounds as if your book is valuable to humanize what reporters do.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Carolyn, I sent you a message at your address. Hope you got it. My e-mail address is
    Thanx again.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Perfect. Thank you, Val! (-:
  • Max Elliot Anderson


    Good to hear from you.

  • L. Diane Wolfe

    I like the title - Frugal! My husband says I need to put together a book called How To Promote a Book on a Shoestring Budget. (Since I teach seminars on the subject, I really need to write one soon!)
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Until then, I have one, Diane. It is The Frugal Book Promoter. It is the first in this series of HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers. Maybe until you get one going, you could recommend mine? I'd love it and I'd love to send you a copy to be sure you can recommend it. I teach seminars on the subject, too. I'm an instructor for UCLA's Writer's Program. And that's exactly why I wrote it. For my classes. It's won two awards, including USA Book News Best Professional Book. My e-mail is if you want to talk personally. (-:

  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi Carolyn! Thanks for the ad on my page. I am doing it frugally, you know. I'm still thinking about the potholes you were talking about. Peace be with you and whish you lots of copies sold.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Oh, how sweet of you to let me know. And, heck. Why not do it frugally. Most of the frugal promotions works better than the stuff some authors pay for. (-: Have you contributed any of your tips or successes to my newsletter? I'd love to hear from you.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Milli Thornton

    Hi Carolyn!

    Lovely to hear from you and thanks for posting a comment on my page.

    Check out my blog entry of today for another place authors can request a free listing of their book. The listing includes a large image of the book cover, a 25-word teaser and a 250-word synopsis, as well as a link to your author Website and blog.

    Happy 2008,
    Milli Thornton
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Milli, as you know I like to officially thank you in my Sharing with Writers newsletter. I always link to a page when I do that and throw in something that promotes the author who was nice enough to do something for me. One good turn deserves another. (-:
    Thank you! Let me know!
    Oh, and anyone who would like to subscribe to my newsletter, just send me an e-mail with "subscribe" in the subject line to (-:

  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Summer Poetry Reading at the Palisades

    As you may know, I rarely read my poetry. It's certainly not from lack of love of the genre. But two very special poets have asked me to read at an exceptionally supportive bookstore in Pacific Palisades in a couple of weeks (info below). I hope you'll join us and support our efforts. I'll read a couple of poems from Tracings, a couple from my coming chapbook She Wore Emerald Then co-authored with Magdalena Ball. Maybe a couple brand new ones, too. Please mark your calendars.

    &Carolyn Howard-Johnson will read from her chapbook of poetry, Tracings, Monday evening, Aug. 11, at 7:30 pm at the Village Bookstore 1049 Swarthmore Ave, Pacific Palisades, CA. Poets Alice Pero and Lois P. Jones sponsor ongoing featured readings called Moonday. Learn more at

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentor and inspiration, Suzanne Lummis. And please feel free to bring friends and fellow poetry lovers.
  • Lisa Manyon

    Hi Carolyn,

    I've updated the blog to include the ability to comment immediately -- only a year or so later. LOL. Hope al is well with you.

  • Lisa Manyon

    No worries -- we're all busy.
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Yes, Carolyn, if your performance is anything like at the Muse Conference 2008, I'm looking forward to your session at PROMO DAY.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Internet Promotional Manager/Professional Support Network for Writers
    “You Write – We Promote” “Conquer All Obstacles”