Saunda Cunningham


Garden City, MI

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Who Am I? is an autobiography of urban life reflections, personal narratives, social issues and true life mishaps collaborated with inspirational thoughts and messages throughout. This book not only gives you the author’s life story but leads you the way to conclude your own with a recap in interview etiquettes, resume writing, and job preparation skills. A must have for young adults as a preparation guide although a great book for readers of all ages.

Saunda Cunningham author of Who am I? a book of her life beginning from a small child during the most urbanistic times of her life and what she did to turn everything upside down. Taken back in time to Milwaukee Wisconsin in the 1970’s her gripping memoirs weave through her life a true story.

The author starts this book deep in thought searching for an answer. An answer that would make a life that seems so sustained to one that emerges; having made it through life’s challenges, and purpose ventures along the way. Who am I? is a wonderful book that not only gives you her story but it also leads you the way to conclude your own.

“Heartfelt, full of good advice for anyone aspiring to improve their situations.” Angel Editing

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  • Saunda Cunningham

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