Kamelia Sojlevska



Republic of Macedonia

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Kamelia Sojlevska is a Macedonian published author, documentary scriptwriter and director, a TV host and University lecturer. Born and raised in Macedonia, a small developing country, full of quest for knowledge, she was traveling the world, grasping the cultural, spiritual and social values that were fulfilling her life and creating her originality and individuality. Sharing ideas and communication with the public is her main goal since the beginning of her professional life. There she sees the opportunity for knowing each other, establishing new kind of relations without prejudices, ignorance and misunderstanding. If we want to create new values we should know each other, is her motto. A writer and professional with strong integrity and self-determinism she shares her world of individual awareness touching the core of the universal values that exist in every one of us. In her literal journey she is leading us into unexplored and untouched spaces of human consciousness, beyond time and material world.
QUANTUM WOMAN--CELESTIAL MAN explores the issues relating to love, identity and belief, and Kamelia’s electrifying book gathers a range of characters around the concept of a journey with potentially wide-reaching implications. It takes into account a particular understanding of human nature in order to explore the relative complexities of a being, in unbelievable twists and turns. The story plot imagines consciousness as a kind of place, largely based on a view of certain scientific and sociological principles.
Discovering the fourth dimension, third eye and higher awareness through love and sexuality becomes a possibility of every human being.

As the feelings of two main characters grow for each other, Celestial Man takes Quantum Woman to the parallel universes in near future, deep past in Tibet and then into the deep future where she learns the languages, magic, and science of the future. She visits the frozen town Shambala deeply lost in the peoples memories.

The road is painful and difficult but full of challenges and those who believe and disbelieve in the new horizons. The spectacular goal is the lost harmony between male and female on the earth and discovering it with knowledge and love. You will be mesmerized, spell-bound as Quantum Woman seeks to become a partner of Celestial Man and gain her immortality.
This is a true story of one experience and adventure

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Gary Val Tenuta

    Hi Kamelia -

    Thanks for the friend invite. The cover of your book has a terrific ethereal quality about it. Cool image. Nice videos, too. Is the story sort of an adventure/romance combo?

    Is it available on Kindle? Not that I have a Kindle. LOL! Just curious. Having the book on Kindle is proving to be a good way to increase sales.

    Best regards,

  • Gary Val Tenuta

    Ah! You're in Macedonia! Wow! That's very near Greece, isn't it? Well, then I'm not surprised you're not familiar with the Kindle. The Kindle is an electronic reading device. You'll see what I mean if you just do a search for it on the internet.

    Your book sounds very interesting. Seems like there would be a big niche market for such a book.

    You asked if I did some special promoting to get my book listed in the top 100 in the Kindle sales or if it was just a natural process. Actually it was some of both. For the first year and a half it was only available in paperback. The paperback edition sold pretty well for a debut novel but the retail price is a little too expensive for a lot of people. So I had it converted into the electronic format for the Kindle device. That way I could set a much lower retail price. I decided to price it at $4.95. So now it's available as a paperback and as a Kindle book. The Kindle edition is now outselling the paperback.

    As far as my promotion efforts go, I wouldn't say I did any "special" promotions but I did (and continue to do) a lot of promotion on internet sites – much the same as you've done here on this site. It's a time consuming task and you need to be persistent about it. There is a lot of competition with so many thousands (millions?) of books out there. It's tough for a new book to get noticed but it can be done. :-)

    I have had one thing in my favor. My book deals in part with the approaching end of the ancient Mayan calendar in the year 2012. That is a very popular topic these days so that fact helps attract attention from people who are fascinated by the subject.

    I really wish you tremendous success with your book. Like I said, I think there must be a huge niche market for a book like that. I know there is a big market in the U.S. for books that are categorized as "Paranormal Romance". Your book seems like it just might be of interest to all the people who enjoy that genre.
  • Prince Lcharls DeGreat

    hello Kamelia very nice name! The reason i want to be your friend is because i am an upper coming author and filmmaker who would like to learn more about people who have the experience!
  • Patricia Myatt

    That sounds so good. However, I am in the middle of book three of the Lasting Impressions trilogy. I need to have it ready by August and into to print by December. If you're still looking for a co-writer then I would like to talk more about your project or new project. We should keep in touch. Pat
  • Nicole Trist

    I received your comment regarding a book review.
    If you would like me to consider your book for review please email me the book's web address, or a plot summary; nicoletrist@hotmail.com
    Nicole Trist @ Books, Books Everywhere