Lynda Davis

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Lynda Davis is a Christian author. 'Promise Notes' has just been published. It tells what happens to a young man when he puts ego and vanity ahead of his love of God and his wife. Even though his job is ending, and he's deep in debt, he can't stop spending money. That creates so much friction that his wife threatens to leave him. He finally stops the spending, but his resentent towards his wife sends the relationship straight downhill until they get into counseling and he gets his priorities in order. Everything improves until his wife inherits a farm in the middle of nowhere and wants to live there. No job, no place to get one, neither of them know how to farm. He made other changes to keep his wife, can he make this one? features an interview with Lynda Davis, along with a preview of 'Shadow Mountain' and 'The Legacy' both scheduled for spring 2009 release.

Visit read a few Christian inspiration articles and enjoy the Bible trivia and jokes clean enough to tell them to your preacher.

Comment Wall:

  • Rosalee Wilson

    Thanks for the request Lynda!
  • Paris E. Tompkins

    Dear Lynda,
    Thank you for joining me as a friend. I am sure you are quite busy getting your book together, but I am glad you took a few minutes to return my invitation. I hope you much success with your new book. Enjoy the activity. Paris.
  • CG Walters

    thank you, Lynda.
    Good luck with those final revisions.
    Blessings to you and all you hold dear,
  • Nathalie Jean-Bart

    Thank you for the add-request

    All the best,

  • Bert Martinez

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  • Saunda Cunningham

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