JW Thompson


Daytona Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Jim Thompson's Facebook profileJ.W. Thompson
Served in the Marine Corps and is a Scuba Diver, and does volunteer work in his spare time. He is a former resident of North Carolina, but now resides in Florida. All comments should be sent to his email address jw.thmpsn1@gmail.com or visit his web site at http://www.freewebs.com/jwthmpsn/

After a stint in the Marine Corps, T.R. Bare tried to adjust to civilian life, but to do what. He bums down the East Coast doing odd jobs, working on the occasional fishing or dive boat until he comes to the end of the line, Key West. Here he finds the boat of his dreams and the love of his life. He works hard to salvage the boat and restore it to her natural beauty and while refurbishing her, he discovers her hidden secrets as well as an unsolved murder of the boats former owner in Miami. Will the secrets reveal themselves as he scours the Caribbean, battles modern day pirates in search for the answers to the mysteries left behind? Are the answers worth his life and the life of the love he finally found? The stakes are high, as he risks everything including the boat that he loves and worked so hard to restore.

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hello JW,

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    Hi JW

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  • Faye

    Hey JW,
    I have a friend who needs her boat refurbished... Are you interested?
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