
Tuskegee Institute, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My new book, The Great X-Cape is about surrendering our self-made invisible capes to a real Superhero: GOD! When we trust God, even in the most impossible situations, we will find that nothing is impossible with Him! Through the most tragic and impossible situation in my life (I discuss it in my book), I found my calling in life as a writer of Christian and inspirational literature. My book is now available at Barnes/Noble,, Ingrim's books, Books a Million, Boone Bridge books, Tower books, Powell books, and many more places. You can also order directly from me through my paypal account. View my website for more ordering information. I have now completed my second book titled: The Great X-Cape (God's Amazing Love). My second books builds on spiritual concepts discussed in my first book in more detail. The Great X-Cape books are great tools that can be used as a study guide for Bible study, and is filled with scriptures and biblical stories and shows how those scriptures and stories apply to our lives today. Get your copy today and make your great x-cape!

Comment Wall:

  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href=""></a>
  • Deborah McCarragher

    Amen sister! God is the greatest superhero ever! I will check out your website later tonight. Please stop by my website to view my Christian women's book titled "Mission Possible" - it's for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn't share their passion.
    You can also view from my profile page. Blessings,

    (Heb. 10:23)
  • Cordelia

    Good Morning and thank you Girl for the information that you sent. (smile) I will check it out! Have a blessed day!