

Detroit, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I decided to write a book about my life, in 2006 which turned out to be a different book all together. I love to write. I always loved to write, but I stopped around thirteen. After all the tragedies in my life I decided to write my story and maybe help others.

Comment Wall:


    Hi, Cordelia: I responded to your post on the bookmarketing network. You may also want to consider joining up with Authonomy, which is free to join. It's a site where aspiring authors present their unpublished works and many agents and publishers view this site regularly. Many members have found agents and publishers by being on this site. I received this information first hand from the CEO of one of the highest ranking publishing companies that exist because he personally seeks aspiring authors to publish through this site.
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href=""></a>
  • Kate L

    Yes, I review books, go ahead and check it out :)

    This website lists literary agent companies. Their contact info is listed as well. I will send more info soon.

    Angel Brown, Author

    Here are a list of a few more literary agents. You can look them up online and read about them to see what type of genres they specialize in.

    Maurilio Amorim
    Amorim Agency
    112 Westwood Place suite 110
    Brentwood TN 37027

    Matt Bialer
    Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
    55 Fifth Avenue
    New York, NY 10003

    Bruce Barbour
    Literary Management Group
    4238 Morriswood Drive
    Nashville, TN 37204

    Jenni Burke
    D.C. Jacobson & Associates, LLC
    P.O. Box 1965
    Sisters, Oregon 97759

    Mary Chappell
    Zachary Shuster Harmsworth
    535 Boylston Street, Suite 1103
    Boston, MA 02116

    This link gives a description of the different types of publishers. This may help you to decide which type of publishing company you would like to go with. Commercial publishers (mainstream traditional publishers) are becoming endangered species and self-publishing is becoming more attractive even for those who have already published several books through traditional publishing companies. Traditional publishing companies take their time publishing your book (up to a year) and they end up making more money that you do in the process. There are pros and cons to all types of publishing companies. Your desired goal for your book and its outcome should be the criteria for you to decide who to go with.
  • Calvin Bradford

    How did it happen-short version, I am still struggling with my first! Thanks for sending the note. Writing is such an isolated bit of business everyone around you thinks your bodering on lunacy.
  • Calvin Bradford

    Any woman who writes love stories must continually be in love and enjoying life, I 'm about half way through my book, the live interviews with some patients who have overcome crippling diseses from the medical doctors, to their personal testimonies, some made in public, is taking most of my time-not the writing.
  • Calvin Bradford

    You sound so interesting. I would love to read an excerpt from your book.
  • Calvin Bradford

    Great cover, I'm reading now!
  • Calvin Bradford

    I was at church some years ago when a man got up, and elder in the church after being almost rudely addressed by a visiting African minister. The African misiter a well known prophet in these pentacostal circles, decribed the disease the elder had naming the kind of cancer describing the treatments he was recieving in great detail. The elder was clearly stunned and had not told the pastor in his own church how truly ill he was. I have an extensive education in the sciences and medicine.
  • Calvin Bradford

    I followed the case files of the elder, his medical diagnosis and subsequent treatment. His particular form of cancer Hodgskins Lymphoma was well advanced yet he came to church, worked in the church with cheerful indifference except I knew he was in pain. Any way just before he was to undergo a major bout of radiation and chemotherapy a blood test was taken and all the RS cells systemic to the disease were not in his blood. I saw the test. I did not tell him Isaw the test. I was not his doctor. The following sunday he rose from his seat and simply said "My illness was not unto death but for the glory of God and for that I am grateful and here to testify so that the Son of God might thereby be glorified." (John 11:4) and he sat down.
  • Calvin Bradford

    For a second in the church there was not a sound and then in the next instant ther was such a clamor and outpouring of praise worship that the pastor had to lay aside his prepared sermon. But this wasn't a miracle it was simply the logical outcome of the way this elder had lived the last thirty years of his life. He didn't live and breath his church, nor his pastor, he was a student of Christ and he lived what he read and understood in his heart. I have catalogued several other men and women with similar experiences looking at both there medical history and their spiritual history. I call it spiritual surveillance- "The Journey Not unto Death" We literally hold eternity in the palm of our hands and don't know that we already possess everything we need to save ourselves. This is what I am about!
  • Calvin Bradford

    Yes I will buy your book! (smile)
  • Calvin Bradford

    What if I want an autographed copy? You might end up on Ophra's new book channel.