Elizabeth Isaacs


Lexington, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
It started as a discussion of what the world should be. A place where relationships mattered, where thoughts held power, where laughter and most of all love drove the very existence of life. It blossomed into a series that I hope many will enjoy for years to come.

I am Elizabeth Isaacs, author of The Light of Asteria, Kailmeyra's Last Hope. This past year has brought little in the way of sleep, but the joy of being able to share true love, friendship, and the land of Kailmeyra was well worth it.

Comment Wall:

  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href="http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com">http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com</a>
  • Kate L

    dont worry youll get the hang of it quickly, ning networks are very user friendly :) if you have any questions, dont hesitate to askme
  • Kate L

    I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with how good reads works, but as to how to find friends on this site, just join lots of groups, and make lots of comments, head to the forums to find people with similar interest
  • Marco L. Bernardino, Sr.

    Thank you for the kind words and blessing. The publishing company that is considering my manuscript is All Things That Matter Press. I have not joined any of the social networks as of yet, however, I am on LinkedIn for professional purposes. Hopefully once my manuscript has been accepted I plan on opening accounts on all the various networks to promote the book and offer support to victims of abuse.
  • Sandra Carrington-Smith

    Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for adding me as your friend. :-)

    I just read about your books in the profile information box -- are they fiction? The sound like a great read.
  • Moonfire Anera

    Thanks. Russian (and French and Spanish) because I'm good at it. I got interested because of a band (cliche, I suppose) and it turned out that I'm good at learning langauges. :)
  • Sandra Carrington-Smith

    LOL, you sound like me...I am in love with New orleans, and I just had to set my novel between Louisiana and North carolina. :-)

    I need to tell my son about yours -- I bet he would like it.
  • Geoffrey Zimmerman

    Red Ribbon
  • Geoffrey Zimmerman

    Hi Elizabeth, I glad I helped to make your day a little brighter.
  • Kristin Sullivan Cruser

    Red Ribbon
  • Lori Laws

    Hi Elizabeth, great to meet you!
  • Rai Aren

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I hear ya on the moving into a new neighborhood thing - it is nice to see a friendly & familiar person there :)
    Glad to connect with you here!

    Thank-you very much for your kind comment on our new cover, I'm very happy with it.

    To our mutual great...


    Your friend,
