Karen Gammons


Hooks, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Karen Gammons. I live in Northeast Texas with my wonderful husband Troy, my three children: Caleb, Randi, and Haylee, two cats and a dog.
I am the author of the Prince Andy and the Misfits series. The first book, Shadow Man and the second book, Epidemic in the Dark Lands are available where all books are sold. I am currently working on book 3, Loombria and hope to have it out by Christmas of 2012.
I have always thought that reading a book was like I was traveling through another person’s mind. I do hope you enjoy reading the books that I will be writing, but mostly I hope you enjoy taking a trip through my mind. The first stop will be Filligrim.

Book Teaser

"Andy thought he was just an average sixteen-year-old kid...

But one day his world is completely turned upside down as he learns the unbelievable truth of his identity: he is the prince of a faraway kingdom called Filligrim in the Valley of the Misfits—a magical place where pixies, elves, wizards, and dragons are just as likely to be inhabitants as humans. He was brought to this world following his birth—the only way to keep him from being murdered by his evil malicious grandfather.

Sounding more like a fairytale than reality, Andy at first thinks he must be dreaming. But then his aunt Gladdy reveals even more astonishing news: his mother, the Queen of the Misfits, is in trouble; she's been captured by goblins, and it's up to Andy to rescue her. Still in shock, he makes a decision that will forever alter life as he's known it. He will return to Filligrim and, with the help of six heroic Misfits, will embark on a mission to save the kingdom from the clutches of evil.

In Prince Andy and the Misfits: Shadow Man, Andy encounters one adventure after another as he works to uncover a traitor, rescue the queen from goblins, retrieve a stone of immense power, and solve the mystery surrounding the Shadow Man—the sinister mastermind behind it all. And perhaps most importantly, he must ultimately discover if he has the heart to become a true prince."

Professional Reviews

Lenda Selph--Teacher/Proofreader
I absolutely love this book! The theme of "Misfits" connects with the reader right away, since so many people in real life feel as though they just don't "fit in."
Adults and children will see creatures and kingdoms leap off the pages as the author expertly guides their imaginations, describing a land ne'er before dreamed of.
I can see teachers and parents reading this book to their students/children with the fun of learning new words, like "surreptitiously," and study guide questions to encourage discussion. But the best part of all, it is fun to read--for all ages!

Book Trailers:
Author's Den

Check out my page on Author's Den. You can read the prologue for Prince Andy and the Misfits: Shadow Man

Comment Wall:

  • Kate L

    Welcome :)
  • Annie Eskeldson

    Dear Karen,

    Thank you for 'friending' me here at the Network and thanks so much for this little excerpt from your book. I love it! Can you tell me what ages your book is for, are their illustrations? I look forward to hearing from you and I'm very interested in your book.

    Sincerely, Annie Eskeldson www.authorannie.com
  • Annie Eskeldson

    My daughter is autistic. She is 6, but is a very advanced reader. This sounds like something she would love - especially the dragons! Are there any pictures? They're not necessary, but I was just wondering.
  • Maureen Delaney

    Thank you, Karen. I am blessed to have found this wonderful site! Still looking about and figuring out what to do and how to do it!
  • Julie Hodgson

    Thanks for the invite...:o)

  • Julie Hodgson

    Your book sounds amazing, by the way...
  • Maggie Berkley

    I wanted to thank you for joining friends with me. Hugs.
  • Sylvia Massara

    Hi Karen, thank you for adding me as a friend. Would love to know more about your book. Looks great!
  • heidi berger

    Good luck with your book.. I am a first time author and self-published. I am still trying to figure out what the best way is to market it.. Did you have to do that as well?
  • heidi berger

    You are awesome.. Thanks so much for your reply.. That helped so much.. heidi
  • Devon Marshall

    Hi! Thanks for the friend request. Pleasure to know you. Devon
  • Simply Sue Falcone

  • Mark Whiteway

    Thanks Karen,

    Book Two of the Lodestone Series is now published and I am hard at work on Book Three!

    Mark Whiteway
  • jack everett

    Thanks Karen, we need all of the friends we can get.
  • stacie williams

    thanks for the message
  • Pamela J Abel-Smith

    You, dropped me a line saying that ,, you liked the cover of my book, thank you; where did you see it ?.As I now have two covers, in production, I would be delighted to know which one you have seen.
    Thank you again for your comment, possibly we could read each others books !! they both seem to have various things in common, Gnomes, Elves, Faries, and Dragons. lol.
    mpabelsmith@terra.es .
  • John Cervone

    Thank you, that was very nice of you to say. It is people like yourself who made those years worthwhile. Have a very nice day.

    Sgt John Cervone
    US Army
  • Pamela J Abel-Smith

    Ok, just got your reply as to where you saw the cover, lol, just wait till U see the cover for book 2, it is stunning, and fits so well to the book.

    book 1 available on amazon.co.uk under title of "Little Ed;and the rise of Grimehog".not really trying to sell to U ( might not be strictly truthful lol ), but feel U might enjoy.also nice of U to reply.
  • Pamela J Abel-Smith

    Yes I did and agree with you very good luck with the editing is it available yet ?? excuse my feeble comments on here I am not very au fait with this type of machine, bit beyond me but so, so, exciting lol
  • Cheri Laser

    Hi, Karen! Thanks so much for saying hello and for checking out Separation of Faith! The novel has been out for a month now and is receiving a lot of welcome attention. Please let me know if you decide to give the reading experience a try so I can send you a personalized autograph that you can put on the inside cover. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to staying in touch with you. All the best on this first day of November! --Cheri
  • Alexander Devereux

    Thanks for the love. Wishing you much success in your endeavors.
  • Jenny Michaud

    Hi Karen:

    Thanks for the friend request!

    The book is finished - well, I'm in the final, final, final edit. (I've told myself this 3 times already. LOL!)

    Anyway, this time is the last and then I'm going to try traditional publishing first. I'll see how it goes and then may go for self-publishing. I haven't decided yet.

    thank you for your interest, though, and I'll keep you posted on the progress. :-)

    Oh, and good luck with your book, too. It sounds really cool. Mine is more on the dark side. I'm going to head over to your trailer, now. Do you find the trailer helps generate sales?
  • Micki Peluso

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for the invite--your book sounds wonderful!!

    Micki Peluso, author of . . . AND THE WHIPPOORWILL SANG, a funny sad, family memoir of love, loss and survival.
  • Karen C. Brown

    Thank you Karen and I look forward to networking with you.
  • Pamela J Abel-Smith

    Good morning, have just purchased your book on line, now just await it's arrival, whilst there (your publisher) entered the isbn number of our book and nothing came up !! surprising ??
  • Barbara Miller

    Thanks for the friend invite Karen, I will check out your book.

    Barbara Miller
  • Pamela J Abel-Smith

    Sorry I meant that I typed n Our book no; not yours I already have that on it's way to me I am looking forward to it a great deal as they seems to be so close to the story line .Do you have a follow up planned,Pam is now half way through book 4 in a planned series of 5.
  • Joseph Arhavbarien

    Thanks Karen for your comment on my book. I impressed at your determination to get your book published and very glad that you finally got a publisher. I wish you all the best on this new journey. Blessings.
    Joseph Arhavbarien, Author of 'Hang On, It's Not Over Yet'. (ISBN 978-1-907294419). Ministry website: www.faithfortoday.co.uk
  • Christina Leigh Pritchard

    Thank you!!!
  • Deanna Jewel

    thanks for stopping by to leave me a message for my book, No Turning Back. You cover for Shadow Man great also, best of luck with the sales!
  • Evelyn Cullet

    Thanks, I'm glad you like my book cover. If you are looking for some reviews of your novel(s), I would like to invite you to join my book review group on Facebook: Authors/Readers Book Review Forum. We vote for and review one of our member's novels each month, and we are always looking for new novels to review. Yours will fit it very nicely, and I know you will not be disappointed.
  • Cathy Coombs

    Thank you. I love your site/page!
  • RonPrice

    Your photo, your music and words are all beautiful, Karen. From Australia, I wish you well in all your literary, professional and personal endeavours.-Ron Price, Tasmania
  • Cathy Coombs

    Karen, Thank you very much for suggesting author's den. Have a great week. Day job: law office; night job: my real passion. Cathy
  • RonPrice

    Greetings, once again, from Australia.-Ron
  • RonPrice

    Goodness, here I am again sending you a message.-Ron