Pavarti Devi


Hyattsville, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a mother of two, a devoted wife, an artist, a dreamer, a number cruncher. I am on a quest of love to find my own way to friendship, family and god.

Currently I am working on my first novel and planting seeds in my garden. There's nothing like a little dirt under your nails to keep things in perspective.

Comment Wall:

  • Adele Brinkley

    Hi Pavarti, Welcome to the Network. You will meet many interesting folks here. I too love to garden and love the smell of freshly turned dirt and the sight of plants pushing through the earth.  Enjoy the day! Adele
  • David Beem

    Thanks Pavarti!  I see you're interested in some cross-promotional activities.  I'm trying to wrap my head around all things promotional -- maybe we can chat sometime and drum up some ideas.


    Also, thanks for the friend "add."  I was starting to get lonely.  ;)

