Shawna Savage-Yaroch


Tavernier, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
That’s when he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me down
the hall into the bedroom. He threw me into a chair, where I
remained for the next six hours. Dino raged, intimidated, brow
beat, degraded me, and withheld food and water. With tears
rolling down my face, emotionally exhausted, and fearful for
the safety of my children and myself, I reluctantly agreed and
was released. He smiled and said,
“See. Be a good girl, and life will be much,
much easier for you when you learn to be a good girl.”
Through many toxic relationships, Shawna was the victim of several
types of abuse—from verbal assaults to pure, physical torture. Her
courageous recounting of these and other experiences opens the door
for ultimate healing from the those that may call you Psycho Girl.
Why me? Why anyone?
How do I free myself from abuse?
In Psycho Girl, author Shawna Savage confronts these and other
questions. She encourages readers to trust God through new
thought enlightenment by explaining how we are a collective soul
or energy. Once you have been enlightened and realize you are
not alone, you’ll finally be able to free yourself from the abusive
demons that surround us.
Shawna is a single mother of three, living in Islamorada,
Florida. She is a full time college student, working on
her Master’s in English with the hopes of teaching
Domestic Violence Recovery, Creative Writing,
and British Literature at the university level. Partial
proceeds from the sale of her book will be donated
to the National Coalition for Violence Against Women.

Comment Wall:

  • Shawna Savage-Yaroch

    Research, Research and more research..cite and cite and cite This is a lot of work!
  • Barbara Hart

    Thank you for wanting my friendship.
  • Barbara Hart

    Shawna, I know all about the stress that comes with doing what you truly desire to do. That is the time to back off, take a breather, and forget it for a while, then something else will pop into your mind to add to your project. Even though the trials of this old world seems to hit us like a mighty rushing wind, we need to hold on tighter. We have to look at the cup as being half full, and not half empty. I know that it's hard, and stressful, but if you don't fulfil your dreams how will it get done. For ever little step that you make, it brings you closer to your mark. Never give up on you. I refuse to give up. If I should stumble and fall; I will get up, brush the dirt or dust off, and try again. In order to make it I suggest that you do the same. There is no way that you'll succeed if you give up. Have faith in yourself. Believe in the power of you. I wish you much luck and success.
  • albertasequeira

    Wow, what abuse in your life. We are on the same track, Shawna. I published my second memoir Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis. It's about losing my husband at forty-five in 1985 to the disease.

    The sequel is almost completed titled Please, God, Not Two; This Killer Called Alcoholism. It's about losing my daughter in 2006 at thirty-nine from the same demon.

    You will have a wide audience when it's completed. Good luck to you.
  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • albertasequeira

    Hi Shawna,

    It is a demon.  It wanted to come back for my daughter when he took my husband. It's beyond words the pain seeing them dying and you can't get them to fight.  This disease is so worldwide that are children are going down a road of death.

    I do believe that anyone in any situation can make a recovery if they have the true faith in God.