David Beem

South Bend, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a former cellist who has recently been diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder which ended my career. Now, I am seeking to reinvent myself as an Indie author.
My first novel, Abyss of Chaos, is a fun, action/adventure supernatural thriller, written with mercurial wit. It is approximately 100,000 words and is set for release in September 2011. For more about me, follow the link.

Comment Wall:

  • Pavarti Devi

    You're book looks fascinating!  I look forward to it's release.
  • Pavarti Devi

    That would be awesome,  I've been doing a tremendous amount of research about it and it's all a little overwhelming.  I actually made a spreadsheet with what services different POD and writing resources offer!  Feel free to contact me here or email me (it's just PavartiDevi at gmail - very complicated I know). 


    It looks like we have a lot in common.  I'm a former dramaturge turned accountant turned writer.  My novel is "Shadow on the Wall" and is a Middle Eastern take on the Batman mythos.  If you want to trade WIPs and see if we can help each other out with all this chaos I would be willing.


    I have another novel I've written about 15k words for that I hope to focus on more soon which is a Zombie epic :)

  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of Ten paper backs and eight available on the kindle. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have hectic schedules at times but I will always follow you back. Below is my fan page hope you like it and thanks again for your support it's appreciated very much. http://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlejaBennett Enjoy the book video