
Julian, CA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
While originally programmed for etiquette and protocol, 4-LAN became increasingly aware of the inferior nature of the humans he was assigned to. Mastering the ability to circumvent the basic droid laws allowed 4-LAN to pursue a new existence as a sentient being.

Human error and arrogance fueled 4-LAN's desire to achieve perfection above his imperfect creators. With advanced self taught subroutines, he began a new life as a burglar. As a protocol droid, 4-LAN had the advantage of never being suspected of such crimes. Riches were acquired, but eventually the droid sought a higher level of existence.

Ultimately 4-LAN saw an opportunity in exploring new worlds and dimensions. Taking on work here and there as a bounty hunter, the highly regarded droid paid his way through the galaxy and parallel universes recording all his adventures.

Now with a lifetime of stored data to transmit, 4-LAN is dedicating a segment of his existence to relaying this information across many bandwidths in the form of a rudimentary written language known as basic, in the hopes of finding other droids that are ready to download his radically altered, self programmed coding.
http://do not have

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  • Martin Loughlin

    Nice to hear from you! Hope you enjoy 'The Whitechapel Secret' if you get round to reading it

  • Rick Holland

    Thank you for the welcome and for the advice. I will be becoming more active on this site soon. I can't wait to meet all of the nice creators here, and hopefully help some of them!

    To answer your question, yes I do some illustration depending on what you are talking about. Please send me some examples of the kind of cover illustration you are interested in. You can send this to rick [at] myvisionpress [dot] com, along with more information about your books. I am mostly working digitally right now, using photo manipulations. I also do pen and ink illustrations with digital color. I can do oil paintings but that gets very time consuming and expensive for the customer. 

    Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you!



  • Elizabeth Foshee

    I haven't posted any new short stories since the Christmas one. I am currently working on another story, though I'm not certain if this one will go up on my story shorts or if I will put it up for sale.

    Thanks for the info about the new member. I'll be sure to say hello to Danny. :) If I get the free time to read his story I will do that.

    How have you been? Is all going well?

  • Martin Murphy

    Hi Lance,

    Thanks for buying the book, I hope you enjoy it. I will also have a look at those other novels you mentioned in your previous post.

    Have you written one recently that  I could read and review?


  • Elizabeth Foshee

    Yes I was thinking about doing that once I have enough short stories up. If nothing else it would make for a bigger book lol. I'm glad things are going well for you, it must make you feel so excited! Are you planning to do a whole series of books with the same characters?

  • Blood Ritual Monarch

    Cheers mate.

    Summer here is beautiful but yes indeed….December is for snow & cold.

    Friend me on Facebook and/or Like my page as I’ll be holding a live video release party in March. Discounts for the book on that day, etc.

    I just completed the final edits today and now off to the printer…



  • Elizabeth Foshee

    Well I've made a new website so I can put all my writing together. I've put the link to it up on my Page. My Christmas story is there as well as my non-fiction blog. I've also put up a page linking to the e-book I have up for sale so far. 

    That sounds so exciting, I've been thinking about doing a series connected to the e-book I have up for sale. I think it might end up a little like the fantastic 4 or something. Modern day superheros with special powers. That could be fun :)

    Danny seems to be a very nice fellow and I plan to also read his writing. Right now I am pretty swamped with writing my new story and real life issues. When I get some down time I will also try to squeeze in some reading. I'm also interested to see what your writing is like. :)

  • Martin Murphy

    Hi Lance,

    Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I've tried to be a bit original and am particarly glad you picked up on that.

    I'm about two thirds through the first draft of my novella and hope to have it out by the spring/summer. I've downloaded your book onto my tablet and look forward to reading it - I've been looking to get back into reading some fantasy.

    All the best,


  • Bonnie Raymond

    Thanks for your kind words on my book cover.  I designed it myself and am very proud of it.  One of those rare things that actually turned out just the way I wanted it.

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    Thanks for the feedback! The evil eye is still there in the story portal lol just scroll down past the Christmas story and you'll see it or check the archives. I don't replace the old stories, I just write new ones. You know how blogs are, they put the newest one at the top. :)

    I hope I get some time to read soon also. I've been fighting with my daughter's insurance and trying to get her back on it. Makes for a lot of stress and little time to read lol.

    I have some time this afternoon though and I will be doing some reading! Yay! :D

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    If Calgon is magical or good looking I might just ask him to take me away! lol

    Thanks, I really appreciate any input I can get. Also, I wondered if I may put the link to your page here on my website. It might help out in the long run once I can get more traffic to my site :)

    As for the insurance, well it's just a wait and see proposition. They screwed up the website they use and now they are getting flooded with calls from angry people. I'm hoping to hear something back by the end of next week. But I'm not holding my breath lol.

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    lol oh I see, I don't even remember those commercials. I remember Mr. Bubbles bubble bath instead! That and those stupid buffalo wing commercials lol.

    Thanks for the link permission. I will add it right away!

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    lol no, the ones for KFC I think, where the buffalo would start flying around. I'll let you know if I ever get bubble bath again! I haven't bought bubble bath in years lol.

  • Joleene Naylor

    Thanks so much :) If you'd like review copies let me know, always happy to send them. I see by one of DM Yates comments below that you are also working on a book? 

  • Joleene Naylor

    I think the 20% is something the "internet" - meaning servers and all that - do to fill in spaces in file names. I have noticed it before elsewhere and the first time I was like "what??????"

    I'll go grab it and add it to my tbr pile ;) I'm reading the protector by mark Mathews now and then I have Escape from Hazriel by C Coppola and it will fit neatly after them :)

    Thanks so much! Let me know what file format you'd like (pdf, mobi, epub) and whihc books I'll get those sent to you :D

  • Danny R. Collins

    Hi 4-Lan,

    Let's see...you can change a rating at any time, you just have to go the book page and click the stars again. In the same column, which is on the right side of the book page, are all the options for readers. You click Back the Book to put it on the bookshelf. They only give us room for five books but you can watchlist as many as you want, I think. 

    You can find me...MoonScribe is my user name. Just search for it and it will take you a small pic of me. Click that and you will be on my page...Thanks for the comment. There are some great writers on the site and several who really give constructive comments. I have found it to be a big help.  

  • Joleene Naylor

    Yeah, it can, though it will be awhile then as the only way I know of to do that is to buy the book and gift it and $$ is short right now with after Christmas.

    Which book do you want? It is a series but it's not essential to read them all to understand what is going on - of course at the moment I think #5 is the best since it is the newest :p 

  • John Kremer

    For members who like a specific genre, or write in that genre, check out the groups where there are specific groups for novelists, children's book authors, thriller writers, etc.


  • Elizabeth Foshee

    lol Thanks, I love my sick mind too! It's the only mind I have :P

    Seriously, I'm really glad you liked the story. I also enjoy getting feedback because it helps me to improve on work that needs it :)

    The clown picture is in fact Pennywise lol which is why I tried to move the story as far away from that as I could. I definitely don't want to step on King's toes!

  • Gary Val Tenuta

    Hi - Thanks for inquiring about my book cover design service. Email me at GVTgrafix@aol.com and let me know what you have in mind for the cover. :-)

  • Blood Ritual Monarch

    Hi mate,

    My book is now up on Amazon.com...all you ever wanted to know about demon conjuring and possession.




  • Elizabeth Foshee

    lol True, King is a giant among horror writers.

    I am so pleased that you enjoyed my short story! I was actually thinking that if I wrote enough short stories, I would put them all together in a book and sell them eventually. :)

    I also like books that have a bunch of short stories put together.  Sometimes I think those are actually better than the longer stories.  Maybe because they leave you more to wonder about.

    Thanks again for the feedback! Barring any life interruptions, I should have a new short up in a few days. I will let you know when it's up. :)

  • Martin Murphy

    Hi Lance,

    How are things? I've read the first 10 chapters of your book and really enjoyed it. Some of the descriptive writing really draws the reader in and you seem to have put a lot of thought into the world you've created.

    I did note that your chapters are very short - is that personal preference or are you just using it for the purposes of this particular book?

    Best wishes,


  • Martin Murphy

    Hi Lance,

    I'm fine, but not worked much on the novella recently as I've been trying to set up an author blog/website, and those sorts of things take me a long time. Thankfully, I hope to get some help from my brother with it next week - and can then get back to the novella.

    I see where you are going with the James Patterson thing and I think it works well in your book. I used to love his Alex Cross series but have not read much of his stuff for a while. 

    Hope you are both well.

    Best wishes,


  • Joleene Naylor

    sorry for being slow - been offline finishing book 6 up, LOL! At least it's off to the beta's now. 

    I can email you the .mobi file to the email address, and you can copy it to your kindle. hubby says there is a way to email it to yourself and it will load automatically, but I have to admit I don;t know how to do that :p I always just plug mine in via the usb/charge port and copy paste files to it like a thumb drive. 

    if that would work let me know :)  

    Now I need to take some time and tour this site, LOL!

  • Danny R. Collins

    Hi 4-Lan,

    I finally freed up some time, so I started reading your book. I know you are looking for some feedback.

    First Thoughts: one thing a beta reader pointed out to me that I still have trouble with is long paragraphs...I have no problem with them but apparently some readers do.

    Chapter One: Intro to characters...good.

    Chapter Two: The thing here is I would prefer to see the encounter from the perspective of the female blood drinker. I think it would be a good idea to sharpen the point of view in this scene to that of only one of the characters. I like the blood drinking scene.

    Chapter Three: I would take the word instantaneous out of the first paragraph. You explain her teleporting well enough without it.

    Chapter Four: My thoughts so far: You're introducing a lot of characters early, which is okay...I assume you are planning something epic. I do think you might have a few too many adverbs in your prose, at least in this chapter.

    Chapter Five: I am warming up to the story. I like the vamp in the catacombs.

    Chapter Six: It looks like your dragon rider, Nick, is not an all conquering hero type. I like that. If you can pull it off, it will make the book a nice change of pace.

    Chapter Seven: Pretty cool scene. Dragons mating while their riders experience the same...

    Chapter Eight: Back to Nakira...so far, I am most interested in her. You named the head vamp, Vlad...that takes courage...very cool!

    Okay, this is the kind of thing I have been doing for some of the people on authonomy, so let me know if you like this kind of review. I will read more of it over the next three days since I get some time off work for Chinese New Year. Overall, I can tell you have a lot of ideas. I have not read far enough yet to know more about the city above the catacombs, so I am interested in that. It's pretty good, 4-Lan. The story seems to be picking up speed as I read it. I have adjusted to the three points of view from which you present the story. Chat with you later. Danny

  • Joleene Naylor

    Sent to the email address. Let me know if it doesn't show up :)

    Ha ha! I wish! Sadly I only manage about 1 book a year. I am hoping to be able to get to work on #7 sooner than usual and get it out faster, but we'll see. I still have to do final edits on this one, put together promo material, finish organizing the blog tour, do the blog tour, and make a paperback cover - oh and do all the formatting. Ha! Now I feel tired just looking at that!

    That is so awesome that you found an illustrator! Yay! Looking forward to seeing what she comes up with and I'll have to go check out her work - I am always looking for people to recommend to others and good illustrators are hard to find. Especially for fantasy or sci-fi!

  • Joleene Naylor

    No reason to push yourself, though. Let it come when it does. i know the whole first chapter of mine is not what I had planned, but then I wasn't inspired to write for a few months - and some stuff came up etc - so when I got back it I ended up with a way better one than I would have had I plunged ahead. It will get done when it is ready to ;)

    Yes! writing is the easy part - it's editing and promotions that are the hardest, I think :) though they say not to worry too much about promotion until you have three books under your belt, then you start blitzing. On the other hand some people say start right off... it just depends who you talk to. I know I didn't sell hardly anything until i started networking on Facebook. not that I sell massive numbers now, but it was an improvement ;)

  • Rick Holland

  • Joleene Naylor

    I find that even editing can be a chore if you're not "inspired" to do it, so to speak. I know I do a better job if I am "in the mood" for it than if I am just doing it it as a chore that *must* be done. But I think all art is that way; whether visual or literary or whatever. Once it becomes something that is churned out like clockwork with no feeling attached it fails to be art anymore and becomes a factory produced product.

    I did send some query letters to a hand full of agents, but the more I looked into everything the more I didn't like the way it is set up. They choose your covers, they choose what you can and can;t have in your book and then they do very little to no marketing for you unless you're  atop seller. Marketing was the main thing I needed a publisher for, and if they weren't even going to do that then why not skip the middle man and get the cover I want and the content I want? Most readers don't know a book is self published unless someone tells them - Before I started looking into it all I had no idea which ones were which. i think authors are the worst at pressuring one another because it's like so many are desperate to find some way to make being a writer exclusive so they can be "one of the special chosen few". I say the more the merrier :) 

    Hope you've had a great weekend!

  • Joleene Naylor

    Thanks so much for the great review! It made my day :D

    I'm in Central time, but we stay up all night (hubby works night shift and I like it better, anyway). It's 2 am here and I'll have to go cook supper pretty soon. ;)

    I have to say if you do look into publishers to be careful if you go with a small press/indie press. There are good ones out there, but so many are either scams or else they are well meaning people who end up in over their heads. I have read a lot of horror stories about royalties not getting paid, publishers copyrighting your work in their name, etc. to make me scared of small presses, though as I said there ARE good ones, just takes lots and lots of research to find which is which. the main advantage to the publishing with a big house is you get an editor, cover, the formatting, and all of that done for you. the small presses some do different things. I know some of them make you provide your own cover and only do the formatting. one thing is if they want you to pay THEM to publish it's a scam. you should never have to pay anyone to publish. 

    Let me find that email address and I will shoot you the rest of the series, LOL!

  • 4-LAN

    4-LAN, a customer just told us your review was helpful to them while shopping on Amazon.
    Shades of Gray
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    What I am reading
    February 10, 2014
  • Joleene Naylor

    Starting Blood and Fire tonight :)

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    I read the peek inside of Joleene Naylor's Shades of Gray. Very well written! I also happened to see the trailer for it, awesome work if I do say so myself both in her book and in her video trailer!

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    oooo ok thanks :) I will check it out!

  • Rodney C. Johnson


  • 4-LAN

    Hey everybody!

    I have a new edition of What I Am Reading-fresh off my keyboard and out there in the blog section of this great site!


  • Elizabeth Foshee

    Thanks so much for the high praise 4-Lan! I only hope I can continue to live up to it. :D

    My website is still a work in progress, and I welcome any feedback on it. I'm always striving to improve it and make it easier for people to navigate. :)

  • 4-LAN

    Hey Everbody!

    I have hired a very talented artist and book cover illustrator to do the cover artwork and design for Blood and Fire: The Vampire/Dragon Wars.

    Her name is Aidana WillowRaven and she is a member of our very own Book Marketing Network.

    Please stop by Ms. WillowRaven's page and follow the link to her website. I am sure you will agree with my decision to utilize her very talented services.

    I just know that the cover of Blood and Fire is sure to be brilliant with Aidana's capable hands at the helm!

    Tell WillowRaven how much you are looking forward to seeing her vision for my book! But do not pressure her-she is a very busy artist/business woman/entrepreneur/single mom :-D

    I am very lucky to have her on board my project and am very excited! 

  • Elizabeth Foshee

    Thanks a ton! Any traffic at all will be a big help :) I'm just speechless still from that amazing review you gave me lol.

    I'll be putting up a new story on Monday as usual, let me know what you think of the changes I've made to the site. I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible. Also I learned that all black might be hard to see on some readers and i-phones.

  • Ken Havelock

    Hi 4-LAN,

    Thank you for writing. You reasoned the languages and their places very well! Anguilla is surprisingly English, and Guadeloupe is French.

    All the best,

  • Rodney C. Johnson

    Indeed, I do have a few freebies. Just to help setup the universe. Kitana and Demons That Do Not Rest are background items which were cut from the main books, mostly for space.

    I hope you enjoy it.

  • E. G. Manetti

    4-LAN, Thank you for the welcome and checking out The Cartel. That's super fast action-I only joined yesterday. I guess that's your super droid efficiency in action!
  • DavidAvetisov

    Hello everyone! And hello 4-LAN. Thanks much for this opportunity to introduce myself to fellow authors. I'm David, and I recently finished my first novel in verse, "In Oblivion", which took me about four and a half years to complete. Please take a look at it if you find it interesting, and as it is still very new, I didn't get much feedback on it and would love to hear what people I don't personally know thought about the novel.

    I am still very new to this site and I hope links are allowed. Most of the information about my book is available on my profile page:

    http://thebookmarketingnetwork.com/profile/DavidAvetisovThanks much, and I hope you enjoy the read. Would love to hear feedback if possible.

  • DavidAvetisov

    Thanks for the comment 4-LAN. I actually hired an emmy nominated artist Nick Deligaris to do the cover for my book. It was great working with him and I can say he works fast and efficient. First he creates sketches based on your direction and then the final look, fully detailed and colored. To be honest I was blown away when he sent me the final illustration and was excited to use it for my book.

  • E. G. Manetti

    Hey 4-LAN, thanks for picking up The Cartel this morning.  I look forward to your thoughts.

  • Janis C.

    Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Dormaine G

    Hello and thanks for the follow. I do appreciate the gift :-)

  • Dormaine G

    Red Ribbon
  • Joleene Naylor

    Thanks so much!!! :D