Ronaye Tanner

71, Female

Victoria, BC


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  • Catherine Kirby

    Sounds like you're almost there with the novel. Have you got a title for it? The nice thing about novel writing for me is that it allows room to stretch out and say something in more detail. If you've written a lot of short stories it can seem like too much space, I suppose. Short stories do help you to write tight though. When a novel rambles it becomes boring.
    Good luck with your on-line business. What kind of business is it? I'm intrigued that it includes article writing.
    I'm reading a novel called Tasting The Wind, printed by the same publisher as my novel See Through. It encompasses poetry, letters and scenes written like a play with just characters names and dialogue. It makes for a lot of variety and enjoyable reading.
    I hope you find time to return to your novel and to finish it too.
    Best wishes,
  • Catherine Kirby

    Hi Ronaye,

    I agree with you. For me magic is, in all its interpretations, the most important ingredient in any story. I'm reading a beautiful book called The Hours of The Night by Sue Gee. She's an English writer. I've also read her Mysteries of Glass among others. Her writing is magical without being self conscious and her books leave me with a wonderful feeling of hope, joy and peace. How does she do it? Even reading again to see how I know that it's something impossible to analyse. It must be that magical gift that lifts her story to another plane. The Mysteries of Glass was particularly special.

    I'm not able to write at present due to family commitments but I still dream up stories in my head or bits of them. If I could write from the heart like Sue Gee!!

    I hope all is going well with you and with your writing. Thanks for getting in touch. I'm always pleased to hear from writing friends. Writing is a lonely although wonderful things.

  • Catherine Kirby

    Hi Ronaye,
    I hope you have recovered well from your op. It will be good for you to take a break before attempting to catch up with all that has been piling up.

    100 degrees is pretty hot. In the East here it has been like that but in Devon where I live in the West it has been a mixed bag. Never mind, it's so pretty here and we have the sea on one side of us and the countryside and estuary on the other so can't complain.

    Your aunty must have been delighted to see you. What a happy reunion!

    I hope you will feel energised to pick up the threads of your work once you get back into it again.

    I've not had time to do very much although I have done a lot of thinking about what I will write when I get down to it again. My daughter has ME and other conditions that she is recovering from. She lives with us and I'm her carer so it's a full time job! She's doing well but recovery takes time.

    Good luck with getting back to business, Ronaye. I wish you well.
    Best wishes,