Fran Riedemann


Leawood, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
When I retired from a career in interior design and owning an art gallery in 2005, I celebrated having the gift of 'time' and began to organize my thoughts and concepts and put them down on paper. I 'think' very visually, so my books reflect that and are quite descriptive.
My first published book "Joseph:the heart of the Father" is about the earthly father of Christ. While it is historical fiction, it also reminds us of the divine calling of a father in the family institution has--that institution important enough for the family to have been the vehicle that God chose to raise His Son. While not a Christmas book, it lends itself to the season with a fresh look at the Nativity.
My second book is titled "Beatrice Baker, bringer of joy".
Beatrice is seven years old and isn't thrilled with her name until she finds out it means "bringer of joy". She embraces her names meaning as her 'job'. She loves the color orange, kumquats, and the book "Pollyanna". You need to meet her! She will tell you more about this author than I possibly can. There are six more books waiting for publication.
My third book is titled "Implosion". It is a novel in the genre of the "Left Behind" books, but takes place in the 'now'. The first reviews are five star so I am very excited.
The books are all available on the book page of my website and linked to Amazon where the reviews can be seen.
"Consider the Source" is my ministry dedicated to those who deal with severe rejection and familial dysfunction. While that is my 'ministry', I love to speak on the many aspects of design and art, as well as on the topics of my books. My audience is both adults and children.

Comment Wall:

  • Kate L

    Welcome :)