Sherlyn Powell


Dumfries, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My third book is my memoir titled A Gift Called Mother: The Stages and Fantasies of Motherhood is now available in e-book and paperback format at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Books-A-Million and most online stores. I've also written two romance novels, Captured Hearts and Something Desirable.
A Gift Called Mother: The Stages and Fantasies of Motherhood
Book Description
Sherlyn Powell shares a brief chapter out of her life. She opens up about her tearful journey and the test of faith that is synonymous with being a mother. Through her experiences she shares that lack of communication can tear a family apart and reminds us that from infancy to teenager the commitment to be a loving family doesn't end there. While no family is perfect faith in God should remain in the forefront of our lives. She sprinkles quotes from the Bible and ties them into life as she takes a look at the stages and fantasies of being granted a gift called Mother. She asks the question, "Who else on this earth has your bak when you need them but family?"
...This book is truly a gift to all readers and you definitely want to read her story as you hear her voice, feel her pain, cry along with her, wipe her tears and watch her stand tall and embrace life...
Fran Lewis, Reviewer
...This book is full of unrestrained emotion, and by the end you will have truly understood the meaning of the eight words on the first page: "It's a blessing to be called Mother." This book is highly recommended.
Boyu Huang, Allbooks Reviews

Captured Hearts
Book Description
Sylvia Masters is a hot-fifty two year old widow and CEO of The Masters Investment Group. After her husband passed, her focus turned to raising their three children and getting the company her husband started ranked among the Fortune 500.

Lieutenant Julian Reynolds is on the scene to inform her of the murder of her former fiancée, Addison Lockwood. When the Lieutenant goes to the Masters’ home to question Sylvia he is blown away by her beauty.

Her looks and strong personality inspire Lieutenant Reynolds to solve the case and pursue the woman of his dreams.

When Sylvia offers the Lieutenant a cup of coffee their hands touch and their eyes lock. After a tumultuous beginning, Julian summons up the courage to ask Sylvia to dinner. Problem: Julian is ten years younger and Sylvia isn’t interested in being labeled a Cougar.

Refusing the Lieutenant’s invitation, Sylvia is flattered that this much younger man who is also fine is obviously interested in her. The undeniable chemistry is hard to resist. What would her family say?

Can Sylvia have a future with Julian?

Something Desirable is my debut novel published May 2008,

Adrienne Baxter is a brilliant young architect on the fast track to the top of her field. When Adrienne reunites with Brian Stevens, a college sweetheart, she's ready to begin a new chapter in her life. Brian is steady, dependable and successful and seems to be everything Adrienne wants and needs. She convinces herself that she and Brian are meant to be together. Then Dexter Hughes walks into her life. Dexter was not supposed to happen!

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  • Del-Rio Gardner

    Thanks for accepting my friendship request.
  • Darlene Campbell

    And thank you for accepting. I'll check out your website, too! Maybe we can swap links. It'd be free advertising for both of us:)
  • Darlene Campbell

    Okay, I did check it out! Your book looks great and sounds interesting. So, if you want to swap links, just let me know.