Neil Ostroff


Doylestown, PA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Raised in a rural town outside of Philadelphia, Neil D. Ostroff has been a published author of dark, noir thrillers, romance thrillers, and middle grade sci/fi and paranormal novels for more than twenty years. He is an avid poker player when not working on his novels. Neil also enjoys fishing, hiking, and all things outdoors. He's been interviewed in such publications as PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE, THE PHILADELPHIA INTELLIGENCER, TIMES PUBLISHING, and THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER.

To learn more about him and his books, please check out his blog: ALWAYS WRITING

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  • Kim Hope Smith

    Neil, I was reading some of the posts and was wondering if you have found an answer to your question on June 28, 2012 Can’t figure it out"

    If you are still searching I will gladly help you understand the roller coaster sales you are having.

    I have spent many years promoting musicians, marketing businesses and individuals all over the internet.

    There is a very simple answer to your question.

    Thank You


  • Kim Hope Smith


    It's not a secret at all. The reason sales go in waves is SEO.

    Look at it this way.

    You chose your key words for your book or blog. Say you chose novel today, and it has a low competition and 2 million searches done last month, very good words to chose.

    Now if tonight, someone who wrote a novel wins a huge award or worse, dies, the internet is flooded with the key word novel. all of a sudden, it has a high competition rate and you are pushed to the back of the pages. Now your traffic drops off for that given geographic area.

    Most people set their keywords once, then forget about them. To have an even amount of traffic, keywords have to be updated often, and if a major event happens, as I said above, you have to update them immediately.

    When Thomas Kinkade passed away, the keywords for artist went crazy, well, you may have also been affected, depending on your keywords chosen for a particular book.

    170 people searched your name last month, yet 11 million searched the single word mystery and it has a very low competition rate at this time. Now if a huge story breaks in the news and it is a mystery, that keyword is out the door for you.

    See there is no secret. In one of your blogs, you are considering hiring a publisher, that is completely different than a marketing person, which in my opinion is really who you need. You have great success with your books, you already have the social media set up and in the case of an author, don't let them convince you they need to take it over, that would be very costly and it would cause you great harm.

    Use great caution when using keywords, keyword stuffing will do far more harm to you than not having keywords at all!!

    In all honesty, you simply need to have someone monitor your daily SEO and you can go through your sites and update each day or week.

    Don't let someone con you into a huge package, remember they are sales people and up selling is what they do best.

    If you would like me to do an interview or a story on you to submit to Yahoo contributor just give me a shout. It's a lengthy process to see if they will publish it but it may be worth the try. Free publicity is always a good thing. :-)

    Good luck and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at

  • Kim Hope Smith

    Oh, I miss typed my email address, sorry,


    Too many things going on, haha