

Tampa, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Space travel development and plant manager, school teacher and author for over thirty years. Current series of five books now selling worldwide. The Paradise Series at Amazon
1. A Beckoning From Paradise
2. Secrets of Paradise
3. Paradise is Where You Find It
4. Paradise Grows
5. Raised in Paradise

A single, In Search of Paradise Now published. April 2010.

A second series on the way, finalization and published.
The Little Eagle Series
1. Indian Summer
2. Christmas With Little Eagle
3. Little Eagle Saves a Spy
4. The Golden Cross
5. White Panther's Legacy

The next series is called the White Panther Series.
All due out before 2012.
O'Bannon Castle (published)
Robin Long Bird (published)
White Bird Returns (published)
A Spy Saves Little Eagle (published)
Upholding Family Traditions (weeks away)

A fourth series has been started
Wisnook Treasures
Wisnook Gambler
Summer Spy
with one more planned (The Hermit)

A fifth series is in process
Love Spiral 2013
Mist Door 2013

The love of writing keeps me busy, the love for my students makes me write what I do.

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  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    You do excellent work, and you give back to the community. That must make you feel great.

    I love the O'Bannon chest. I remember my grandparents having furniture like that, with all the embellishments. I hope your children appreciate what you did by giving them a link to their past.
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Paradise,

    Nice to hear from you again. I appreciate you spreading my books.  I forgot about that website. In fact, I belong to it. I've been so busy keeping up with a daily post to my blog and website, I'm behind on other sites.

    Have a great day!

  • albertasequeira

    Alcohol and Drug abuse is a serious subject.  On April 5th, my husband, Al, and I went to meet with Steve Meunier, Senator John Kerry's Policy Advisor, in Boston.  We met for an hour and talked about clauses we would like see added to The Patient Privacy Act for substance abusers.  He was very interested in our ideas and want to take them to Washington.