Alan Sickler

Savannah, GA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
One day, my wife Elga came home and gave me a great gift. I had just been laid off from a construction estimating position and was contemplating the ardous trek back into gainful employment, but she put a stop to that.

“Stay home with the boys and write,” she said. “Pursue your dreams.”

And so I did. After an abortive first novel, I wrote The Twenty-Year Reset, and am working on my next novel currently, a young-adult aimed story with fantasy elements.

My novel involves a near future America where people only communicate through technology, humans live agoraphobically in a kind of technological womb. They never meet face to face and stepping outside is as unappealing as it is impractical. The Twenty-Year Reset challenges our embrace of the modern, social networked world overflowing with acquaintances masquerading as friends, where you can have dinner with a loved one and never take your eyes off of your cell phone. Where does humanity head when we become intrinsically interconnected by technology but our relationships become less substantial?

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