Fran Russo


Middlesex, NJ

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Fran Russo is a curandera working in the tradition of the Peruvian shamans. As a child, she was introduced to the world of intuition by her first teacher, her grandmother. Fran then studied with North American natives as well as South American elders. Fran travels extensively in Peru, working with both the shamans of the Andean mountains and of the Amazon. There she has learned the ancient ways of the Q’ero elders, the direct descendants of the ancient Incans.

Fran has been given rites of passage through initiation into the ways of the Inca and is considered to be a bridge for the Ancient Ones of Light. She is committed, as her Life’s work, to helping and guiding others in finding and following the natural flow of their paths. Working in the ancient traditions for many years, Fran helps others to energetically release and transform self into the power and strength of true self, spinning joy into life.

Fran has been educating through television, workshops, groups, individual healing sessions, and journeys to Peru since 1993. She is recognized by the Q’ero people as “one who knows the energetics”, or the unseen, unspoken and unheard. Fran’s organization, Ayllusuyu, serves the greater good through the bringing of the priceless knowledge of Peru into United States through The Medicine Wheel, Advanced Chakana, and other workshops.

Fran is the author of Through The Eyes of Jaguar: One Woman’s Journey.

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