Maggie Anderson


Brisbane, Queensland


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Something About Me and My Book:
I've always had a love of things that go bump in the night. At the age of fourteen I was introduced to Dracula for a book review in my English class. From the moment I turned the first page, I was seduced by Bram Stoker's unorthodox, charismatic character, and have been a fan of vampire fiction ever since. Needless to say, that's the reason I write in this genre.

Dark Legacy was my first novel, nominated for the 2012 Aurealis and Ditmar Awards and was a finalist in the Authordb 2013 book cover contest. There are three more books in the series. Bk 2 Once Bitten, Bk 3 Soul Chaser and a short prequel titled, REECE, all available on Amazon.

I have also published two romance books: Novel DRIVING ME CRAZY (released 2012), novella LOVE'S TWIST OF FATE (released 2013) and latest release novel, A NIGHT OF PASSION.

A favourite quote: All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
~ Edgar Allan Poe

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