Steven Clark Bradley

64, Male

Los Angeles, California

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
New Book Cover by Bradley's Banners and Book Covers for Author Alberta Sequeira's New Book, "What is and isn’t Working for the Alcoholic and Addict: In Their Own Words"

It is a first-class book cover on the self or in an online store that will get readers’ attention, and great Trailers & banners that can make your book rise up the ratings. Let me help you become successful with an excellent cover and marketing materials for you. Take a look at what I have done and let me help you become a best-selling author.

Front Book Covers Designs: $60.00/Front & Back Cover Designs: $ 90.00/Marketing Banners: $50.00/Video Trailers: $80.00

Email Bradley's Banners & Book Covers at / Telephone: (626) 321-8247

NEW>WTC II The 2nd September 11th hits home
Osama Bin Laden is dead and the Secret Service prostitution scandal of Colombia in 2012 has the US Government, dark forces regroup to hit back with a vengeance. Richard Darrell, CIA Operative and ex DEA Agent, is sent to Colombia to retrieve sensitive information implicating top Washington politicians. Not heard from for years and forsaken in the harsh, forsaken jungles of Colombia, Richard Darrell puts America Intelligence Officials and NSA supercomputers to the test. After 7 years of traveling and doing research abroad, Writer, Producer, Joseph De Cross wrote this mega screenplay that describes in frightening plausibility how The feared second September 11 hits Home. Watch this trailer and support this important project.

Go to the WTC-2 Project Campaign at:

Author Steven Clark Bradley is a multifaceted, professionally published author. Because of Steven’s unique experience as a world-traveling author, he is able to very vividly and authentically write about place that many have only read about and few have actually seen. Steven simply loves writing, and he has been blessed to travel extensively and loves to see the world. His travels around the world to 35 countries give him a really interesting amount and unique ways of explaining the characters in his stories. The driving force of his life is to tell the world around him what he has seen and how it impacts our lives today, how yesterday brought us to where we are now, and how it will certainly affect us all in the future.

Click Here To Go To Author Steven Clark Bradley's Amazon Author's Page



It is a first-class book cover on the self or in an online store that will get readers’ attention, and great Trailers & banners that can make your book rise up the ratings. Let me help you become successful with an excellent cover and marketing materials for you. Take a look at what I have done and let me help you become a best-selling author. Front Book Covers Designs: $60.00/Front & Back Cover Designs: $ 90.00/Marketing Banners: $50.00/Video Trailers: $80.00 Email Bradley's Banners & Book Covers at / Telephone: (626) 321-8247 Click Here to go to: Bradley's Banners & Book Covers Front Page Two New Book Trailers for The Second Republic and The Consortium

Every living thing that walks and breathes and rationally processes information is a living breathing, walking story that possesses both positive and not so positive reasoned and brainless conclusions. We are capable of the most amazing advanced Every living thing that walks and breathes and rationally processes information is a living breathing, walking story that possesses both positive and not so positive reasoned and brainless conclusions. We are capable of the most amazing advances in life and come up with the most luminous ideas. Yet, alas,we are all flawed, toyed with, often dispassionate, very frequently self-serving creatures, until we have lost everything. Steven Clark Bradley is one of those living, breathing stories, The Most Intelligent of idiots!

The Consortium by Steven Clark Bradley

The Consortium: Patriot Acts Series, Vol. 3 
[Kindle Edition] [Nook Edition]

 Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know that my newest novel,
The Consortium: Patriot Acts Series, Vol. 3 [Kindle Edition] [Nook Edition] Is now out in Kindle today and want to ask you to go to either or Barnes & and get a copy of it for kindle or Nook for $6.50. Please get a copy of this powerful book. I know you'll love it. You can read the blurb for my novel below.

Anyone who buys a copy of The Consortium can send me a message here on Facebook, and I will send you a free copy of Patriot Acts Part One. I hope you'll get a copy and invest in my work that speaks so powerfully of where we are today.
Steven Clark Bradley

The Consortium Patriot Acts Part III reaches deeply into the hidden and sinister world of the international banking system and the global power brokers who profit from it. In September, 2008, the Federal Reserve Chairman and the Secretary of the Treasury came to President George W. Bush and issued him a suicide threat. Then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson walked into the Oval Office and put a political gun to his own head and told the president to give them $800 billion dollars or in twenty-four hours the American economy would die and in forty-eight hours, $5 trillion dollars would disappear with the entire world economy. President Bush said yes.

The Consortium considers what the repercussions for the United States and for the whole world political and economic system would have been if the president of the United States had said, “NO?” This novel will rattle your senses simply because every action taken against America and world powers are actually taking place and bringing international powers to their knees. The Consortium is an amazing journey into the unthinkable and is an amazing conclusion to the Patriot Acts Trilogy. After reading it, watching or reading the news will never be quite the same.


Barns and Noble

In “The Second Republic – Patriot Acts Part II,” the President of the United States is confronted with a radical underground secret cabal that has targeted America with a domestic bio-terror attack that dwarfs the assault unleashed on September 11, 2001.
This second book in the Patriot Acts trilogy takes the reader inside the White House where treachery and terrorism boils below its underbelly. While trying to avoid invoking emergency powers that could destroy American constitutional freedoms, a former Special Ops officer, now the President of the United States, races to stop a deadly virus, which has killed thousands of innocent Americans.

This Fisher Harrison saga, The Second Republic, is an action thriller that could appear on any of today’s headlines, on any given day with a plausible scenario for the death of humankind that is too frighteningly conceivable for comfort.
The Second Republic - Patriot Acts II Now Available Get it at: The Second Republic (E-Book)
When Too Much Security Can Kill You! Click Here To Read An Excerpt From The Second Republic ______________________
Steven Clark Bradley


Steven Clark Bradley's Underground Controversy

Steven Clark Bradley's Stories That Read You!

Steven Clark Bradley's Patriot Acts
Here are some other great blogs where you can read more of Steven Clark Bradley's writing:

Author Steven Clark Bradley
From The Mind of Steven Clark Bradley
Steven Clark Bradley @ Inspired Author
Steven Clark Bradley - Nikki Leigh Virtual Book Tours
Steven Clark Bradley @ The Power of The Written Word
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Steven Clark Bradley @ Words That Work
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  • albertasequeira

    I want everyone who hits on this site, and has been searching forever for a different book cover, stop here. You've found it. He just finished an out-standing book cover for my Narrative Non-Fiction What is and isn't Working for the Alcoholic and Addict: In Their Own Words. I can't wait for him to display his wonderful work for all of you to see. 

    Thank you, Steven. I searched nine months and even free photo websites can't top what you created!

  • albertasequeira

    It takes a team to make something good!

  • albertasequeira

    This is so embarrassing to comment so many years later. I have been so busy writing, publishing and promoting, and personal lives ups and downs, that I don't check to see how many wonderful people send me emails. 

    Thank you for the support. Hopefully, in 2016, I will have my first Fictional book out titled The Rusty Years. I want you to see a lighter side to me!