Ron Farris

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Something About Me and My Book:
About the Author
Ron Farris, BS, MA, is a journalist and graduate of the prestigious Teachers College at Columbia University in the City of New York. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems and a Master of Arts in Computers and Technology in Education.
Africans and African Americans Divided: The Male-Female African and African American Digital Divide
First Edition
Ron Farris

Africans and African Americans have been victims of discrimination in the United States and other countries almost perpetually throughout time. Countless instances of inequality are well documented throughout both world and American history, yet the research of this book has determined that the African and African American, in particular the African and African American male, is the victim of another inequality and that inequality is the Digital Divide and since they are victims of such diversity, why cannot their problem be addressed and corrected?

This book is essential reading for anyone wishing to help himself or herself or others become unencumbered by the Digital Divide.

The intent of this book is to inform and empower those who are in need of technology. It is our goal to help them take action and reach an equal if not superior technological freedom within our population.

The volume incorporates emerging knowledge on the process of accessing resources that will empower those who are without access to technology.

Comment Wall:

  • Ricky Fico

    The best of the holidays to you and yours!

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