Efia Leatham

, Female



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Something About Me and My Book:
With so many in search of truth, love, acceptance and a sense of purpose in today's world, The Daily Word was given as a tool and resource to encourage, inspire and share real love as you seek answers to address thoughts pertaining to being loved, recognizing you have purpose and helping you see life through God’s lenses of love to command your daily victories. The Daily Word will help you focus your thoughts to position your day for positive and successful results. It’s important how you start your day and with what thoughts you leave your house with. Your thoughts will determine your attitude and your attitude will determine how you walk out your day. With rightly positioning your thoughts, you will be able to have good days, everyday regardless of what comes at you, because you are focused and destined to win in all things. The Daily Word will help you change your focus and see things through the eyes and perception of love, while becoming the change you want to see both in you and in the world, one day and one step at a time.

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