Noble Ojigwe


Port Harcourt


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Something About Me and My Book:
I am a Lawyer. Poet. Writer, and Literary Critic. A Nigerian. and Pan Africanist. A crusader for justice and Global peace. The cause for which I stand and for which I strive, is to seize the force of the written word as a weapon for social change.

We must use the literary media as a key instrument for a cultural rebirth. We must shape our thoughts to capture the imagination of our generation. We must stir up the hearts of our people and all lovers of peace with the knowledge of the truth that change is inevitable. I am committed to this cause for change with all my heart.

I believe there is no power more portent than an idea whose time has come. But this idea must be well articulated to make it strong enough to influence the ideas and thoughts of all whose hearts are set for the signs of it`s coming. So that those awaiting the harbingers will know that the time has come. Then will they arise to join the march to the Mountain top. The odds are not insurmountable, the peak is not unattainable.

We need a new awakening in the minds of the youth who must carry the banner beyond where we shall stop. We must not fail them by our silence nor by our lethargy. This is the voice of the new wave. The throbbing of a new Literary awakening from the heart of Africa. It is urgent and insistent, it is resilient and resistent. It is a voice that is hard pressed but unyielding.

My works span four collections of poetry. These works are thought provoking and riveting. These works carry the vibrancy of the African gong and drum beat. They pulsate with our desires and hopes, bearing the currents and streams of our dreams. As they deliver their message. These works speaks of the warmth of the African soul, and of the heat that beat down our hardened paths, and upon our struggling backs.

My poems have been published in several Newspapers and Magazines here in Nigeria. Such as Quality Magazine, Writers` Vision, National Concord, Daily Times, Guardian Express, and Daily Champion. And also abroad in the Anthology, " OF DIAMONDS AND RUST. VOL. !!., of the National Library of Poetry, in the United States.

One of my collections PICTURES IN PROSODY is on the verge of publication by my publishers at Abuja, here in Nigeria. The Collection is a rhythmic and evocative work of Poetic Art. Here the poet discusses the various trajectories of his personal experiences. The political and social issues of his times, and their heroic and tragic interplays. It is also a celebration of the poet`s self discovery.

Two other Manuscripts are ready for any interested publishers. These are CASTANETS FOR CABRAL dedicated to Amilcar Cabral, a Nationalist of Guinea Bissau, and a pioneer Pan African Revolutionary thinker and Leader. This collection encompasses the Poet`s Pan African and Global perspective of the defining events of his era. The Political turmoil and Economic challenges of African Nations, and the Racial and Religious conflicts that threaten World peace and Humanity.

And the other collection TEARS FOR MY COUNTRY is a Poetic saga of the turbulent Political chapters of my embattled Country Nigeria. The political shibboleth of the political elites that drove the country into a devastating Civil war. And the ruthless brigandage of it`s brutal Military regimes. The unbridled corruption of these two monsters that ravaged the nation for decades. Leading to the present crisis of poverty, social alienation, violence and rebellion.

The fourth collection MOONLIGHT MOSAICS is a more personally reflective collection. Which explores the traumatic themes of the poet`s early life, and his coming to terms with himself and his manhood.

It`s been a long way up here. It`s been one long hard walk to get through the thick and the thin. The years have been lean and the times been mean. But the march goes on. To blaze the trail for the young ones who hold the future in their tender hands.

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