Denise Baer



Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Denise Baer is a native of the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from DePaul University. She is the author of a collection of poetry, SIPPING A MIX OF VERSE, comprised of traditional form and free verse, and a dark, psychological suspense novel, NET SWITCH. Her poems have appeared in DANSE MACABRE. Denise currently resides in Germany with her husband and four-legged baby, Shakespeare, learning German and working on a women's fiction / chick lit novel, FOGGED UP FAIRY TALE.

Comment Wall:

  • Jeanette Michelle

    Good luck on your new novel!
  • Alan Ward Thomas

    Thanks!  The pictures are from a photographer friend in New York and were used in one of the promotional videos for Noir Nation: International Journal of Crime Fiction.



  • Fernando Sobenes

    Hello Denise. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

    Also you can watch the book trailer.

    Thank you and best regards.